Ik wilde je stem horen
wanneer je citaten voorleest uit een pas geboren verhaal Ik wilde in je ogen kijken wanneer ze glanzen van verlangen voor het donker Ik wilde je wakker houden met je sterren plukken uit een dicht bewolkte hemel Ik wilde met je wandellen langs een vroege ochtend dronken van samen zijn Ik wilde mist worden hangend om je lijf glijdend water op je huid vlammend vuur aan de Rijn Ik wilde je ooit zien aan de oevers van dit pijn. |
I wanted to hear your voice
when you read out quotations from a just born tale I wanted to look in your eyes when they burned with desire for darkness I wanted to keep you awake with your star plucked from a dense cloudy sky I wanted to wander with you at early dawn drunk with being with you I wanted to become a mist hovering over your body running water over your skin, flaming passion on the Rhine I wanted to see you ever on the edges of this pain. |
Ramin Farahani was born in 1969 in Tehran, Iran. He began to experiment with photography and make short films in 1987. Later, he studied film direction at the Cinema and Theater Faculty of the Art University in Tehran (1989-1993). Since 1994, he has lived in the Netherlands where he studied at the Dutch Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam (1997-1999). His portfolio includes photos, a book of poetry, and several films. Farahani’s last film was a documentary titled Jews of Iran. He is now working on new documentary and fiction projects in Iran. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] gmail.com).
Jews of Iran Click on a still for a larger view. ![]() |
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