Appeal for Solidarity with the People, the Government, the Communist and Progressive Forces of Bolivia [Llamamiento de Solidaridad con el Pueblo, el Gobierno, las Fuerzas Comunistas e Progresistas de Bolivia]


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El proceso político en Bolivia se enfrenta a un momento crítico.

Las fuerzas reaccionarias, la oligarquía, el gobierno de EE.UU. y fuerzas europeas promueven una campaña a gran escala para revertir el proceso progresista en este país latinoamericano.

El objetivo de esas fuerzas es bloquear los cambios promovidos por la Asamblea Constituyente para dotar al país de una nueva Constitución Política democrática en beneficio de las demandas populares.

Las fuerzas retrógradas, derrotadas en octubre de 2003 y en las elecciones de 2005, intentan reorganizar sus filas, detener cualquier cambio y socavar la figura del Presidente Evo Morales.  Para lograr sus objetivos utilizan cualquier medio, incluyendo la violencia de grupos armados.

Las fuerzas progresistas consecuentes del país, los movimientos y organizaciones sociales, tras grandes y heroicas batallas junto con el Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), presidido por Evo Morales, fueron los vencedores de las elecciones, obteniendo una contundente mayoría.  Ahora esas fuerzas intentan dar valor a su victoria, adoptando y desarrollando importantes medidas en beneficio del país y del pueblo trabajador.

Nosotros, los firmantes de este llamamiento, denunciamos resueltamente el apoyo dado por el gobierno de EEUU, así como su implicación directa en las acciones subversivas en Bolivia.  También denunciamos la escandalosa tolerancia mostrada por otros países imperialistas y organizaciones internacionales hacia estas inadmisibles acciones.

Para todos nosotros hay una tarea urgente: la firme condena a las fuerzas reaccionarias, su aislamiento y su derrota a nivel tanto nacional como internacional.

Estamos con el pueblo de Bolivia y apoyamos plenamente las grandes movilizaciones contra los planes golpistas.

Apoyamos la unidad del pueblo boliviano en torno al gobierno de Bolivia contra las maquinaciones de la oligarquía.

Expresamos nuestra plena solidaridad con el pueblo boliviano, con el gobierno del Presidente Evo Morales, con el Partido Comunista de Bolivia, con el MAS-IPSP y con todas las demás fuerzas y movimientos progresistas y antiimperialistas en su gran batalla en defensa de las conquistas democráticas, en la lucha por cambios más profundos.

Hacemos un llamamiento al desarrollo, por todas las vías, de un amplio movimiento de solidaridad con las fuerzas antiimperialistas y el pueblo de Bolivia.

Los partidos

PADS, Algeria

Communist Party of Argentina

Democratic Progressive Tribune – Bahrain

Communist Party of Bangladesh

Communist Party of Belarus

Workers’ Party of Belgium

Communist Party of Bolivia

Communist Party of Brazil

Communist Party of Britain

New Communist Party of Britain

Party of the Bulgarian Communists

Communist Party of Canada

Communist Party of Chile

AKEL, Cyprus

Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia

Communist Party in Denmark

Communist Party of Egypt

Communist Party of Estonia

Communist Party of Finland

German Communist Party

Communist Party of Greece

Communist Party of India

Tudeh Party of Iran

Communist Party of Ireland

The Workers Party of Ireland

Communist Party of Israel

Party of the Italian Communists

Jordanian Communist Party

Socialist Party of Latvia

Lebanese Communist Party

Socialist Party of Lithuania

Communist Party of Luxembourg

Communist Party of Macedonia

Party of Communists, Mexico

Popular Socialist Party of Mexico

New Communist Party of Netherlands

Communist Party of Norway

Peruvian Communist Party

Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930)

Communist Party of Poland

Portuguese Communist Party

Socialist Alliance Party, Romania

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Communist Party of Peoples of Spain

Communist Party of Sri Lanka

Sudanese Communist Party

Communist Party of Sweden

Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

Communist Party of Uruguay

Communist Party, USA

Communist Party of Venezuela

New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

The political process in Bolivia faces a critical moment.

The reactionary forces, the oligarchy, the US government, and some European forces promote a large-scale campaign aiming to reverse the progressive process in this Latin American country.

The goal of all these forces is to block the changes promoted by the Constituent Assembly for a new democratic Constitution to meet popular demands.

The retrograde forces, defeated in October 2003 and during the elections in 2005, are trying again to reorganize their ranks, to stop any change, and to undermine President Evo Morales.  In order to achieve their goals, they use any means, including armed groups.

The important progressive forces of the country, social movements, and organizations, after great and heroic battles, alongside the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) under the presidency of Evo Morales, won a big majority in the elections.  Now these forces intend to make this victory matter, adopting and developing important measures for the benefit of the nation and workers.

We, the signatories of this appeal, resolutely denounce the support provided by the US government as well as its direct involvement in the subversive actions in Bolivia.  We also denounce the scandalous tolerance shown by other imperialist states and international organizations towards such inadmissible actions.

There is an urgent task for all of us: to unequivocally condemn, isolate, and defeat the reactionary forces both on the national and international levels.

We stand on the side of the people of Bolivia and fully support the great mobilizations against the plans for a coup d’etat.

We support the alliance between the people and the government of Bolivia against the machinations of the oligarchy.

We express our full solidarity to the Bolivian people, to the government of President Evo Morales, to the Communist Party of Bolivia, to MAS-IRSP, and to all other progressive and anti-imperialist forces and movements in their great battle in defense of the democratic conquests, in the struggle for deeper changes.

We call for the development, by all means, of a broad solidarity movement with the anti-imperialist forces and the people of Bolivia.

The parties

PADS, Algeria

Communist Party of Argentina

Democratic Progressive Tribune – Bahrain

Communist Party of Bangladesh

Communist Party of Belarus

Workers’ Party of Belgium

Communist Party of Bolivia

Communist Party of Brazil

Communist Party of Britain

New Communist Party of Britain

Party of the Bulgarian Communists

Communist Party of Canada

Communist Party of Chile

AKEL, Cyprus

Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia

Communist Party in Denmark

Communist Party of Egypt

Communist Party of Estonia

Communist Party of Finland

German Communist Party

Communist Party of Greece

Communist Party of India

Tudeh Party of Iran

Communist Party of Ireland

The Workers Party of Ireland

Communist Party of Israel

Party of the Italian Communists

Jordanian Communist Party

Socialist Party of Latvia

Lebanese Communist Party

Socialist Party of Lithuania

Communist Party of Luxembourg

Communist Party of Macedonia

Party of Communists, Mexico

Popular Socialist Party of Mexico

New Communist Party of Netherlands

Communist Party of Norway

Peruvian Communist Party

Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930)

Communist Party of Poland

Portuguese Communist Party

Socialist Alliance Party, Romania

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Communist Party of Peoples of Spain

Communist Party of Sri Lanka

Sudanese Communist Party

Communist Party of Sweden

Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

Communist Party of Uruguay

Communist Party, USA

Communist Party of Venezuela

New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

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