Brick by Brick: Building Labour Solidarity with Palestine

Attention all unions, workers, and rank and file activists working in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for justice: You are invited to a three-day conference to help build and share strategies to support the movement for Palestinian rights in our workplaces, our unions and our communities.

Friday, May 30 to Sunday, June 1, 2008 in Toronto

Brick by Brick: Building Labour Solidarity with Palestine is a conference organized by Labour for Palestine taking place from Friday May 30 to June 1, 2008 in Toronto, Ontario.  The goal is to bring together workers to analyze the current situation in Palestine and to explore ways of building the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israeli Apartheid.  For more information and to register contact: <[email protected]>.

Labour for Palestine est un reseau trans-syndical de militants syndicaux qui mene un travail de solidarite avec la Palestine.  Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter a une conference militante qui se deroulera a Toronto du vendrei 30 mai au dimanche 1er juin 2008 tout de suite apres l’assemblee generale du CTC.  La conference rassemblera des militants qui font deja un travail de solidarite avec Palestine dans leurs lieu de travail et syndicat ou qui voudraient initier un tel travail.  La conference vise a renforcer notre travail d’organisation.

Si vous voudriez participer a la conference ou si vous voudriez nous faire part de vos idees de sujets d’atelier ou de presentation, veuillez nous ecrire par courrier electronique a l’adresse suivante: <[email protected]>.

Brick by Brick

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