On the Global Waterfront: Race, Class, and the New Economy


Join us for a discussion of race, class, and the new economy with E. Paul Durrenberger, coauthor with Suzan Erem of On the Global Waterfront: The Fight to Free the Charleston 5.

On the Global WaterfrontOn the Global Waterfront, new from Monthly Review Press, tells the present-day story of longshoremen in Charleston, South Carolina, who successfully confronted efforts to wipe out their union, the state’s most powerful black organization, ILA Local 1422.  This compelling narrative of a local struggle, a transformed union leader, and a newly energized global workers’ movement details an international campaign that offers powerful lessons for all working people demanding more and better from globalization.

E. Paul Durrenberger is a professor of anthropology at Pennsylvania State University. Durrenberger is coauthor with Suzan Erem of Class Acts: An Anthropology of Service Workers and Their Union and Anthropology Unbound: A Field Guide to the 21st Century.

Tuesday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM

Bluestockings Bookstore

172 Allen Street (between Stanton and Rivington Streets), NYC

(212) 777-6028

Durrenberger will be a panelist at the session on “Locals Go Global: Lessons of the Charleston 5” at the How Class Works conference at SUNY Stony Brook:

Saturday, June 7th, 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Student Activities Center

For more information about the conference, directions to campus, etc., visit <www.stonybrook.edu/workingclass/conference/2008/>.

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