Biyaa / Come On!



Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!

Look, in zurkhaneh our men are brave.
Barefoot, with just a loincloth, they rival
A hundred men of their weight.

You, with your kneepads, helmet with visor, and truncheon,
A great job, brother.  Is that really your manhood?

Hit, kill, break, and burn, and
God can’t see your eyes hidden beneath the visor.

Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!

Hit!  Let me see how long your heart can take it.
Let me see when your hands begin to feel
A little ashamed of your zeal.

Don’t worry, you, too, are the “rubbish” of this land.
Take your visor off, brother, so you can see the light of truth.

Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!

The joy of unity and sympathy is much greater.
The power of love, in the eyes of God,
Is much better than the love of power.

Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!

The joy of unity and sympathy is much greater.
The power of love, in the eyes of God,
Is much better than the love of power.

Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
Come on, you too, once and for all,
Join the band of lovers and see what happens!

Abjeez is an Iranian-Swedish band.
Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]