$tudent$ Make Banks Rich (Only If the Loans Are Repaid)


These are original poster designs by EDUdebtorsunion.org.  They are all formatted for print on standard 8 1/2″ x 11″ letter paper.  Please print and display anywhere you think this information would be relevant, provocative, or necessary!

Some ideas of placement:

  • Within Universities: Financial Aid Office, Bursar’s Office, Cashiers’ Windows, Student Unions
  • Within the City: at bank counters, ATM vestibules, check-cashing stores, grocery stores, train stations, or any public transportation stations

Click on any of the images below to go to EDU’s printable graphics page:

EDU Printable Graphics EDU Printable Graphics
EDU Printable Graphics EDU Printable Graphics

Education Debtors Union (EDU) is a grassroots organization founded in 2010 by graduate students at Hunter College’s Integrated Media Arts MFA program.  Through a series of conversations about the current state of student loans in light of recent reforms of the Obama Administration, we shared frustrations and a general lack of knowledge and optimism in our plans for loan repayment.  There seemed to be only two options: 1) do your best to keep up with minimum payments and hope that some day the loan will be paid off, and 2) default and/or flee the country.  We considered a third option that drew upon the strategies of the Italian Autonomists: The Strategy of Refusal.  For more information about EDU, visit <www.edudebtorsunion.org>.

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