Women Speaking Out on Trade: 2011 Labor Solidarity Delegation to Honduras


STITCH invites you to join us on a ten-day women’s delegation to Honduras as we assess the impact of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) five years later.  Our labor solidarity delegation to Honduras, PUSHING BACK: WOMEN SPEAK OUT ON TRADE will take place July 27-August 06, 2011.

Participants will meet with women union leaders in various industries, including teachers, nurses, and women in the textile and banana sectors.  Hear firsthand about how the 2006 passing of CAFTA has impacted the lives of women in the last five years and the challenges facing women workers throughout the region as we explore the realities of globalization, trade, and immigration.  You will also experience the unique methods used to empower women in their unions and workplaces.

We are seeking vibrant and motivated women belonging to or supportive of the US labor movement and the immigrant rights movement who upon your return will:

  • Understand and articulate the multi-ethnic reality of women in Honduras and Central America, and the power structures of gender, race, and globalization.
  • Utilize lessons learned in Central America to break down barriers within your organization in the United States.
  • Create and increase international solidarity networks between women.
  • Advocate for and support just foreign policy, trade initiatives, and immigration reform affecting all workers in the US and Central America.


Click here to download a delegation flier.
Click here to download an application form.

For more information please write us: [email protected] or call the STITCH office: (202) 265-3790.


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