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IWW Miners of Jerome & Bisbee loaded into cattle cars and deported from state of Arizona: There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go to keep the workers in slavery. -Mother Jones

Originally published: Hellraisers Journal on July 14, 2017 by Janet Raye (more by Hellraisers Journal) (Posted Jul 15, 2017)
Bisbee Deportation IWW to Cattle Cars July 12 1917

Bisbee Deportation, IWW to Cattle Cars, July 12, 1917, Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries.

The above photograph shows more than 1000 working class men, mostly members of the Metal Mine Workers Industrial Union of the Industrial Workers of the World, being loaded into cattle cars in Bisbee, Arizona, July 12th, for the purpose of being deported from the state of Arizona. The men were force to stand in manure and left without food and water for hours until they were hauled across the state line and into New Mexico. More than 1000 men were left stranded in the desert near Hermanas, New Mexico.

The sixty-seven men deported from Jerome were taken across the state line and left at Needles, California.

From the Bisbee Daily Review of July 12, 1917

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Sheriff Wheeler’s Warning

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From The Ogden Standard of July 12, 1917

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From the Tucson Arizona Daily Star of July 11, 1917

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