Instead of considering these [events] as natural disasters we should be calling them humanitarian disasters with a natural trigger, where this natural trigger ignites and exaggerates the structural inequalities that capitalism produces along racialized, gendered, and class lines.
Click to watch There is no such think as a natural disaster, part 2: Puerto Rico
- Davis, Mike, 2006. “Who is killing New Orleans?” The Nation.
- Klein, Naomi, 2007. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Vintage Canada).
- Klein, Naomi, 2009. “The Shock Doctrine Documentary.”
- Burnett, John, 2005. “More Stories Emerge of Rapes in Post-Katrina Chaos.” National Public Radio (NPR).
- Pelling, M. (2001). “Natural disasters?” Pp. 170-188 in Castree, N. & Braun, B. [eds]. Social Nature: Theory, practice and politics. Blackwell: Malden, MA.
- Smith, Neil (2006). “There’s no such thing as a natural disaster.” Understanding Katrina, Social Science Research Council.
- Katrina Footage: National Geographic, 2005. “Inside Hurricane Katrina” (available here).