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Renewing Socialism

In Memory of Leo Panitch (1945-1920), Mentor, Colleague, Friend, from his comrades at Monthly Review.
Leo Panitch teaches political science at York University in Toronto, Canada. He is co-editor with Colin Leys, of the Socialist Register, published by Merlin Press and distributed, in the United States, by Monthly Review Press.
This essay is a slightly shortened version of the Introduction to Renewing Socialism: Democracy, Strategy, and Imagination by Leo Panitch (Westview Press, 2001). It is reprinted here by permission.

Ring the bells that still ran ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

—Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”

What has happened has happened. The water
You once poured into the wine cannot be
Drained off again, but
Everything changes. You can make
A fresh start with your final breath.

—Bertolt Brecht, “Everything Changes”

To make the thief disgorge his booty,
To free the spirit from its cell.
We must ourselves decide our duty,
We must decide and do it well.

—Eugene Pottier, “The Internationale”

Does it make any sense to speak in terms of socialist renewal at the beginning of the twenty-first century? The massive anti-capitalist protests from Seattle to Prague to Quebec that captured the world’s attention at the beginning of the new millennium attest to the fact that the spirit of revolution, one of the central facets of political life over the previous centuries, is hardly a thing of the past. If “the revolutionary spirit of the last centuries, that is, the eagerness to liberate and to build a new house where freedom can dwell, [which] is unprecedented and unequaled in all prior history”1 properly begins with the bourgeois revolutions of the late eighteenth century, few would dispute that this eagerness for fundamental social transformation was in very large part carried into the world of the twentieth century by socialism’s revolutionary aspirations to transcend the capitalist order itself. It was socialism that expressed the past century’s struggle for liberation from the paradoxical freedom of the bourgeois revolution, that is, from the competition and exploitation upon which capitalist social relations are founded; and it was socialism that embodied the aspiration to build a fully democratic, cooperative, and classless society where freedom and equality might realize rather than negate the sociability of humankind.

Read the full article at Monthly Review.