| This is the president of McDonnell Douglas speakingwelcome aboard the Titanic | MR Online “This is the president of McDonnell Douglas speaking…welcome aboard the Titanic….” Los Angeles Times cartoon satirizing the complicity of McDonnell Douglas Corporation in the 1979 American Airlines DC-10 crash in Chicago that claimed 279 lives. From A. Kent MacDougall’s, Ninety seconds to tell it all: big business and the news media (Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1981), pp. 17-18.

Boring From Within the Bourgeois Press: Part One

A. Kent MacDougall (1931–2021) was award-winning mainstream reporter, journalism professor, and long-time Monthly Review author. For further information see the Notes from the Editors, Monthly Review 73, no. 9 (forthcoming in February 2022) and the obituary that MacDougall wrote for himself and filed five years in advance: “A. Kent MacDougall 1931-2021,” MR Online, December 17, 2021.
A. Kent MacDougall taught journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He last wrote for Monthly Review in 1960 and 1962 under the pen names Frank Bellamy and Eugene J. Reade. Part two of this article was published in the December 1988 issue of MR.

You wouldn’t expect someone who has written for Monthly Review, the National Guardian and The Daily Worker to have reported for The Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times as well. But I have. Eugene V. Debs may be my all-time favorite American and Karl Marx my all-time favorite journalist. But my employer for a decade was The Wall Street Journal, and for another decade it was the Los Angeles Times.

Altogether, I spent twenty-four years and nine months in the service of one of our country’s major socializing forces—the bourgeois press. I was a well-paid, privileged member of that fast-growing corps of information workers who mass-produce news, disseminate official proclamations, standardize informa­tion and ideas, reinforce institutional viewpoints, legitimize dominant values, and help secure the compliance of the populace.

Read the full article at monthlyreview.org.