The revolutionary dialectic of Balzac’s ‘Human Comedy’
Honoré de Balzac is renowned as a prolific literary genius and was one of Marx and Engels’ favourite authors.
Why academic scholarship on Israel and Palestine threatens western elites
No institution in the liberal West is safe from pro-Israel repression, especially universities whose knowledge production has dismantled the official consensus
The Invisibles: About mass persecution of dissidents in Ukraine
“We insist on respect for human rights,” Chilean President Gabriel Boric made such a message at the peace summit in Switzerland.
Is the Reign of the Dollar Coming to an End?: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
Dear friends, Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. In early June, a rumour began to circulate – which was widely reported in the Indian press as true – that the government of Saudi Arabia had allowed its petrodollar agreement with the United States to lapse. This agreement, made in 1974, is quite straight-forward and fulfils various needs of the […]
An American flag, a pencil sharpener−and the 10 Commandments: Louisiana’s law to mandate biblical displays in classrooms is the latest to push limits of religion in public schools
Louisiana is not a stranger to controversy over religion in schools.
Russia overtakes Japan to become the fourth largest economy in the world in PPP terms
The Russian economy has overtaken Japan to become the fourth largest in the world in PPP terms (purchase power parity), according to revised data from the World Bank released at the start of June. As bne IntelliNews reported in August, Russia had already overtook Germany to become the fifth biggest economy in adjusted terms. Hit by multiple shocks […]
Unconditional Support – The United States Is the Main Obstacle to Peace in Palestine
On June 13, Hamas responded to persistent needling by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the US proposal for a pause in the Israeli massacre in Gaza. The group said it has “dealt positively… with the latest proposal and all proposals to reach a ceasefire agreement.” Hamas added, by contrast, that, “while Blinken continues to talk […]
Three lessons I learned on my visit to Cuba
The U.S. blockade on Cuba, in place since the 1960s, is an act of economic warfare.
Current and former U.S. military personnel build a movement for Palestine within their ranks
On February 25, U.S. Air Force member Aaron Bushnell became the first active duty U.S. soldier to earn the title of “martyr” among oppressed people worldwide.
Red Reviews: “Wages, Price, and Profit”
Karl Marx is best known in the realm of political economy for his great work, Capital. Marx is the original theorist, together with his associate Friedrich Engels, of scientific socialism. Marx wrote Capital in order to expose the inner workings of capitalism, so that workers could understand the system behind their exploitation, how this system […]
Quantum dialectics
The quantum revolution in physics played out over a period of 22 years, from 1905 to 1927. When it was done, the new theory of quantum mechanics had completely undermined the basis for our understanding of the material world. The familiar and intuitively appealing description of an atom as a tiny solar system, with electrons orbiting the […]
China rejects U.S.-led auction of Venezuelan company CITGO
On Tuesday, China strongly condemned the seizure of CITGO Petroleum Corporation by U.S. authorities, calling the move a flagrant violation of international law.
NUMSA statement on the national elections results and coalitions: A coalition with the DA will squash and liquidate the working class!
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has noted the election results following the elections which took place on the 29th of May. For the first time since the dawn of democracy, the governing party, the African National Congress (ANC) lost majority control of the National Parliament, giving way to a scenario where […]
Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route
The militant mobilization of dockworkers at Greece’s major port, Piraeus, on Saturday 15 June led to the cancellation of the arrival of “MSC ALTAIR”, a container ship transporting weaponry and ammunition to Israel.
Feeling the pain: Inflation, wages, and the working class
Once again the mainstream press is touting a “blowout” jobs report.
Biden torpedoes access to asylum at the U.S. Southern Border
The new Executive Order comes during a period of rising migration across the hemisphere.
Brace for hurricanes: In the U.S., ‘on your own;’ in Cuba, ready & united
The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season officially began on June 1, and meteorologists expect a bad one.
The U.S. power structure is blindly dedicated to Israel
When the board of the Columbia Law Review clumsily censored a pro-Palestinian article it revealed the degree to which pro-Israel ideology is enmeshed in the U.S. power structure. Luckily, a generational shift is changing this before our eyes.
What is the realistic strategy for “de-dollarisation”?
As there can only be one price standard in any functioning economic system the transition from one price standard to another cannot take place gradually, or in a mixed way, but must take place sharply, and therefore completely in a very short time frame.
Beverley Best – “The Automatic Fetish: The Law of Value in Marx’s Capital”
Capitalist crises cannot only be measured by its catastrophic effects on society, but also by the reception of their most staunchest critique: Karl Marx’s Capital.