Meet Diana Dolev: the New Profile Speaking Tour in the United States, 2005

Diana DolevDr. Diana Dolev teaches at two schools of design in Israel and researches the connections between national identity and architecture. Her PhD dissertation analyzed the militarization of the Mt. Scopus campus of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Diana has been an activist since 1980 when she facilitated a group of Palestinian and Jewish students at the “Education for Peace” program at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, later introducing the curriculum into six high schools in Israel. In 1987, Diana established a branch of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) in Beer Sheva and then went on to found the “Gaza Team,” which petitioned Israeli authorities against human rights violations in the Gaza Strip. WIB, Jerusalem, 2005The team collected detailed testimonies and succeeded in exposing Israeli atrocities in the mainstream media.

Since initiating a weekly Women in Black vigil in Beer Sheva in 1988, Diana has been consistently active with WIB, most recently as a member of the organizing committee of the August 2005 international WIB conference in Jerusalem.

Diana has been a member of New Profile since the founding event in 1998, focusing her work on education.

New Profile

Tour Itinerary

Wednesday, October 19 — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Women’s Leadership in the Fight against Militarism and Occupation in Israel”

Time: 7:00 PM
Location: 100 Porter Hall, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave.

Sponsor: the Middle East Peace Forum (MEPF)

Contact: Ido Roll
Phone: (412) 268-3945
Fax: (412) 268-1266

Thursday, October 20 — Pittsburgh and Meadville, Pennsylvania

“Working for Peace in Israel: Women’s Activism against War Culture” (Daniel Lieberfeld‘s seminar class on the Israeli-Arab conflict)

Time: 13:40-14:55 PM

Location: Canevin Hall, Room 201, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh

“Women’s Activism against War Culture”

Time: 8:00 PM

Location: Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania

Contact: Scilla Warhaftig, (412) 371-3607

Friday, October 21 — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Militarization in High Schools and Colleges in Israel” (followed by a discussion on its relevance to counter-recruitment work in Pittsburgh)

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: the Friends Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Ave.

Download a printable flyer.

Contact: AFSC Pittsburgh, Scilla Warhafftig, (412) 371-3607; and Conscience Pittsburgh, (412) 231-1581

Sunday, October 23 — Columbus, Ohio

“Militarization, Gender, and Anti-Militarist Activism in Israel”

Time: 9:00 AM

Location: St. John Evangelical Protestant Church, 59 East Mound St.    

Time: 12:45 PM

Location: Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 West Weisheimer Rd.

Contact: Earl Wurdlow, (614) 296-6304, [email protected]

Monday, October 24 — Columbus, Ohio

Time: 7:30 PM

Location: Hagerty Hall, Room 0056, 1775 College Rd.

Sponsor: OSU Committee for Justice in Palestine

Contact: Joe Levine, [email protected]

Tuesday, October 25 — Columbus, Ohio

Lunch and Discussion with Diana Dolev

Time: 12:00-2:00 PM
Location: 122 Oxley Hall, the Ohio State University

Download a printable flyer.

R.S.V.P to [email protected] by Friday, October 21
if you plan to attend this event.

Sponsors: OSU Office of International Affairs: Clusters of Interdisciplinary Research on International Themes and
OSU Women in Development

“A Feminist Perspective on Society and the Military in Israel”

Time: 4:30-6:00 PM

Location: 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave.

Refreshments provided.

Download a printable flyer.

Sponsors: OSU-WID, The Mershon Center, Middle East Studies Center, and OIA-CIRIT
Contact: Esther E. Gottlieb, (614) 292-6392, [email protected]

Wednesday, October 26 — Columbus and Delaware , Ohio

Fred Andrle interviews Diana Dolev, Open Line, WOSU

Time: 10:00-11:00 AM

Informal Dinner with Feminist Philosophy Students
Time: 5:30 PM

Location: Wesleyan University, Delaware

The 2005 Sagan National Colloquium: “Working for Peace in Israel”

Time: 7:30 – 8:30 PM

Location: Hamilton-Williams Campus Center (HWCC), Benes Room, Wesleyan University, Delaware

Sponsors: the Philosophy Department and the Honors Board

Contact: Shari Stone-Mediatore, [email protected]

Thursday, October 27 — Delaware, Ohio

Discussion: “Principled Civil Disobedience versus Fanaticism” (ethics class)

Time: 10:30 AM
Location: Wesleyan University

Informal Lunch with Students

Time: Noon
Location: Wesleyan University

Sunday, October 30: Frederick, Maryland

“Working for Peace in Israel: Women’s Activism against War Culture”

Time: 4:00-5:30 PM
Location: Frederick Friends Meeting, 723 N. Market Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701

(open to public — donations accepted to support the work of New Profile)

Contact: Andrea Norouzi, Women In Black — Frederick, Maryland, [email protected], (301) 834-7581

Tuesday, November 1Durham, North Carolina

Duke University, Women Studies.

“A Feminist Perspective on Society and the Military in Israel”

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: East Duke Building, Room 204B (followed by a reception at East Duke Parlors)

Download a printable flyer.

Sponsor: Women’s Studies

Contact: Pat Hoffman, [email protected]

Wednesday, November 2 — Asheville, North Carolina

“Society and the Military in Israel from a Feminist Perspective”

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Kittredge Theater, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa (15 minutes east of Asheville), North Carolina

Sponsors: the Peace Studies Program of Warren Wilson College, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Asheville chapter of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship

Contact: Paul J. Magnarella, (828) 771-2014, [email protected]; and Thomas Brackett, St. George’s Epsicopal Church, Asheville, (828) 489-9168.

Thursday, November 3 — Washington, D.C. and Columbia, Maryland

Lunch with Faculty Members

Time: 1:00 PM
Location: the Faculty Club in the Mary Grayden Center, American University

“Women’s Activism against Militarism and War Culture”

Time: 3:00-4:30 PM
Location: School of International Service (SIS) Building, Room 105, American University
Open to public — refreshments provided

Sponsor: Women’s and Gender Studies
Contact: Gay Young, [email protected]

“Militarization, Gender and Anti-Militarist Activism in Israel”

Time: 7:30 PM
Location: East Columbia Branch Library, 6600 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045.

Sponsor: The Howard County Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (HCCEIO)
Contact: Joanne Heisel, [email protected]

Friday, November 4, New York City

A Roundtable Discussion: “Bring the Troops Home, Abolish the Army!”

Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Brecht Forum, 451 West Street (the West Side Highway), between Bank & Bethune Streets, New York City
Directions: A, C, E or L to 14th Street & 8th Ave. Walk down 8th Ave. to Bethune, turn right, walk west to the River, turn left; or 1, 2, 3 or 9 to 14th Street & 7th Ave.Get off at south end of station, walk west on 12th Street to 8th Ave.Left to Bethune, turn right, walk west to the River, turn left.

Contact: [email protected]

Saturday, November 5 — New York City

“A Feminist Perspective on Society and the Military in Israel”

Time: 7:30 PM
Location: the Kimmel Center for Student Life, New York University, 60 Washington Square South (Manhattan), New York

Sponsor: New York University Students for Justice in Palestine; Co-sponsor: the Israel Forum

Contact person: Tony Alessandrini, (718) 413-6056, [email protected]

Sunday, November 6 — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A short talk at the opening of “Cemented,” a Photography Exhibition by Israeli photographer Elisheva Smith

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: the Episcopal Cathedral of Philadelphia, 38 & Chestnut Sts.

Sponsor: Bubbes and Zaydes for Peace in the Middle East
Contact: Rachael Kamel of AFSC, [email protected]

Monday, November 7 — Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Time: 7:00 PM
Location: the Women’s Center at Franklin & Marshall College

Sponsor: Women in Black
Contact: Louise Imm-Cooper, [email protected]

Tuesday, November 8 — Princeton, New Jersey

“Militarism and Architecture in Israel: A Feminist Perspective”

Time: 4:30-6:00 PM
Location: Princeton Univeristy

Contact person: Asli U. Bali, [email protected]