Cuba’s Response to US Space Espionage
Pedro Méndez Suárez is a Cuban cartoonist. This cartoon was published in CubaDebate on 30 November 2010; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes. Cf. David Axe, “Secret U.S. Space Plane May Be Too Mysterious” (Wired, 18 November 2010); Brad Lendon, “U.S. Military Says They’ve Launched Largest Spy Satellite” (This Just In, CNN, […]
EU: “Common Position” against Cuba
The European Union to the United States: “Yes, my love, I know you like my position, but everyone is saying that you are the only one who has it in common with me.” Pedro Méndez Suárez is a Cuban cartoonist. This cartoon was published in Rebelión on 7 November 2010. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi […]
United States Fourth Fleet
Eyeing the United States Fourth Fleet from Costa Rica: “They say they came here to consume, I mean, combat, drugs.” Pedro Méndez Suárez is a Cuban cartoonist. This cartoon was published in Rebelión on 12 August 2010. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] gmail.com). | Print
Another Spill in Another Gulf
“In contrast to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, no one is predicting that it will possible to contain the blood spill that is being prepared for the Persian Gulf.” Pedro Méndez Suárez is a Cuban cartoonist. This cartoon was published in Rebelión on 19 July 2010. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi […]