Obamacare with a public option: fool me twice shame on me
There is an old saying “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.” That saying is relevant for the current healthcare debate in which former Vice-President Biden and elite Democrats are touting a reheated version of Obamacare with a public option. It is a case of trying to fool the American public twice.
A Stock Market boom is not the basis of shared prosperity
The U.S. is currently enjoying another stock market boom which, if history is any guide, also stands to end in a bust. In the meantime, the boom is having a politically toxic effect by lending support to Donald Trump and obscuring the case for reversing the neoliberal economic paradigm.
Brazil is falling under an evil political spell
Bolsonaro—an open advocate of racism, sexism, torture, and police execution squads—represents the resurrection of the fascist political tradition. That tradition discards norms of decency, tolerance, compromise and due process whenever they obstruct taking power.
Three globalizations, not two
The conventional wisdom is there have been two globalizations in the modern era. This paper challenges that view and argues there have been three globalizations, not two.
Globalization checkmated? Political and geopolitical contradictions coming home to roost
The deepening of economic globalization appears to have ground to a halt and the process may even unravel a little. The sudden stop has surprised economists, whose belief in globalization has strong parallels with Fukuyama’s (1989) flawed end of history hypothesis.
Explaining Stagnation: Why It Matters
Larry Summers and Paul Krugman have recently identified the phenomenon of stagnation. Given that they are giants in today’s economic policy conversation, their views have naturally received enormous attention. That attention is very welcome because the issue is so important. However, there is also a danger that their dominance risks crowding out other explanations of […]