Vijay Prashad on BRICS & why Global South cooperation is key to dismantling unjust World Order
BRICS countries represent 40% of the world’s population and a quarter of the world’s economy, and the group is now considering a possible expansion to more than 20 other countries.
The BRICS have changed the balance of forces, but they will not by themselves change the World: The Thirty Third Newsletter (2023)
Despite the limitations of the BRICS project, it is clear that the increase in South-South trade and the development of Southern institutions (for development financing, for instance) challenges the neo-colonial system even if it does not immediately transcend it.
What’s happening in Niger is far from a typical coup
The recent wave of coups in West Africa must be understood in the context of widespread discontent with the ruling elites and their collaboration with imperialism.
There are enough resources in the World to fulfill human needs, but not enough resources to satisfy capitalist greed: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2023)
Neither the BRICS project nor China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are military threats; both are essentially South-South commercial developments (along the grain of the agenda of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation).
Niger is the fourth country in the Sahel to experience an anti-Western coup
The coup in Niger follows coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea. Each of these was led by military officers angered by the presence of French and U.S. troops and by economic crises inflicted on their countries.
Build the unity of the youth of the world: The Thirtieth Newsletter (2023)
From 28 July to 5 August 1973, eight million people, including 25,600 guests from 140 countries, participated in the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students in East Berlin (German Democratic Republic or DDR).
If everybody’s going to join NATO, then why have the United Nations? The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) held its annual summit on 11–12 July in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The world needs a new development theory that does not trap the poor in poverty: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
In June, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network published its Sustainable Development Report 2023, which tracks the progress of the 193 member states towards attaining the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The fires that burn in France are about its colonial legacy
France never really came to terms with its colonial heritage or its colonial mindset.
The rice bowl of the Chinese people is held firmly in their hands: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2023)
In 2017, the World Bank determined that the income threshold for poverty, which had been set at $1.90 per day, was far too low. They set the new poverty line at $2.15 per day, which accounted for over 700 million people.
Israel cannot rebut apartheid: The Twenty-Sixth Newsletter (2023)
Israeli violence against Palestinians is not new, but it has been escalating rapidly.
Can the European leg of the Triad break free from the Atlantic alliance?: The Twenty-Fifth Newsletter (2023)
The No Cold War briefing above asks an important question: is an independent European foreign policy possible?
The emergence of a new non-alignment: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter
Governments that had long been pliant to the Triad’s wishes, such as the administrations of Narendra Modi in India and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Türkiye (despite the toxicity of their own regimes), are no longer as reliable.
For Argentina’s small farmers, the land is predictable but the markets are not: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2023)
In 2021, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) noted that Argentina remains ‘a major exporter of agricultural products’, which, at that time, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the country’s exports (as of April 2023, agricultural goods accounted for 56.4% of the country’s exports).
Resurrecting the concept of the Triad: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2023)
The G7 meeting reveals the gaps between the United States and its allies (Europe and Japan), but these differences of interest and opinion should not be overestimated.
The Group of Seven should finally be shut down: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2023)
During the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near where the meeting was held.
Can the Global South build a new world information and communication order?: The Twentieth Newsletter (2023)
It is remarkable how the media in a select few countries is able to set the record on matters around the world.
The work that Tricontinental does: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2023)
Over the past few years, we have become increasingly alarmed by the serious tensions that have been imposed on the world.
In the factories there is wealth, but there is no life: The Eighteenth Newsletter (2023)
In late 2022, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) released a fascinating report entitled Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World, in large part encouraged by a slew of initiatives across India to extend the workday.
You are reading this thanks to semiconductors: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2023)
On 7 October 2022, the United States government implemented export controls in an effort to hinder the development of China’s semiconductor industry.