Archive | Commentary

  • The Appeal of Resistance Fighters [L’appel des résistants]

    Ci-joint l’appel des résistants. On peut aussi trouver une vidéo en ligne de cet appel. http://www.alternatives- Ces images ont été tournées en réaction au refus de la publication de ce texte par les médias dominants. Vous pouvez diffuser ce lien sans modération. L’appel des résistants Au moment où nous voyons remis en cause le […]

  • Concessions in Oshawa: The End of an Era?

    In the early 1980s, General Motors workers in Canada refused to follow their American parent (UAW) in opening their collective agreement.  The ensuing conflict eventually led to the Canadians breaking away to form their own Canadian union (CAW).  Earlier this month, the CAW leadership opened the collective agreement in Oshawa, threatening the end of a […]

  • France’s Student-Worker Alliance

    From Paris, March 2006 Students and workers in France have forged a powerful alliance against the government and its neo-liberal economic policies.  Mass organizations of high school and university students, all three federations of unions, and all left parties are coordinating actions together.  This alliance is shaking the French government in ways and to depths […]

  • What’s the Matter with U.S. Organized Labor? An Interview with Robert Fitch

      SOLIDARITY FOR SALE: How Corruption Destroyed the Labor Movement and Undermined America’s Promise by ROBERT FITCH AUTHOR’S NOTE READ EXCERPT BUY THIS BOOK Michael D. Yates: Robert, let’s start off with a question not directly connected to your book Solidarity for Sale.  Some commentators say that today labor unions and labor movements are irrelevant […]

  • Expand the Mobilization on 4 April, A New Day of Mobilization [Amplifer la mobilisation, le 4 avril nouvelle journée de mobilisation]

    Le succès des arrêts de travail, des grèves et la puissance des manifestations du 28 mars, leur caractère unitaire et intergénérationnel, tout comme la durée du mouvement et son ampleur dans les lycées et universités montrent une mobilisation historique, pour exiger le retrait du CPE et l’ouverture de négociations. II est urgent que les plus […]

  • 28 March, Historic Mobilization against the CPE [28 mars, mobilisation historique contre le CPE]

    Bernard Thibault a donné le ton au départ de la manifestation parisienne qui a rassemblé 700 000 personnes : «Nous sommes près de 3 millions aujourd’hui dans les rues, c’est historique.  Il est impensable que le Premier ministre reste arc-bouté sur sa position.  La prochaine étape, c’est à lui et au gouvernement de la fixer.  […]

  • Latino Milwaukee

      Click on an image to watch a slide show of the immigrant rights march in Milwaukee on 23 March 2006. SOURCE: Kristyna Wentz-Graff, “A Day without Latinos,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 23 March 2006 March 23, 2006 was a historic day for Milwaukee.  It was a day of Latinos in a city that still thinks […]

  • The Cry of the People: The Commune in Image [Le cri du peuple: la commune en image]

    Jacques Tardi, à qui l’on doit notamment l’extraordinaire La guerre des tranchées, s’est lancé en 2001 dans l’adaptation en bande dessinée du roman libertaire de Jean Vautrin sur la Commune de Paris, Le cri du peuple*.  Le projet devait tenir en trois tomes, mais Tardi a finalement décidé de consacrer à l’insoutenable répression des Versaillais […]

  • Union Stewards’ Councils

    I would like to help organize, both at a national and a local level, a network of stewards’ councils.  Such a group would both strengthen existing unions and help organize new members into the labor movement. Stewards are the vital heart of the union movement.  We are the front line leaders in constant contact with […]

  • If a Thousand Were Not to Pay Their Tax Bills This Year. . . .

    Doug Minkler is a San Francisco Bay Area artist specializing in fundraising, outreach, and educational posters. Minkler has collaborated with ILWU, Rainforest Action Network, SF Mime Troupe, ACLU, the National Lawyers Guild, CISPES, United Auto Workers, Africa Information Network, ADAPT, Cop Watch, Street Sheet, and Veterans for Peace among others. He can be contacted at […]

  • San Romero of America, Our Shepherd and Martyr [San Romero de América, Pastor y Mártir Nuestro]

    El ángel del Señor anunció en la víspera. . . El corazón de El Salvador marcaba 24 de marzo y de agonía. Tú ofrecías el Pan, el Cuerpo Vivo — el triturado cuerpo de tu Pueblo; Su derramada Sangre victoriosa — ¡la sangre campesina de tu Pueblo en masacre que ha de teñir en vinos […]

  • Remembering Bhagat Singh on the 75th Anniversary of His Martyrdom

    Men cannot be sacrificed to the machine.  The machine must serve mankind, yet the danger to the human race lurks, menacing, in the industrial region. — Scott Nearing, Poverty & Riches Scott Nearing was a frequent contributor to Monthly Review.   His column “World Events” ran in Monthly Review from 1953 to 1972. Bhagat Singh, 23 […]

  • Albany, New York, 20 March 2006

    On 20 March 2006, the North East Peace and Justice Action Coalition, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, and other groups surrounded the Federal Building, to bring the troops home now.  The Albany Times-Union sized up the crowd as 200 people.  High school students from Albany High, college students from SUNY Albany, and at least one military […]

  • Reforming the Teamsters: An Interview with Tom Leedham

    Tom Leedham, principal officer of Teamsters Local 206 in Oregon, is challenging IBT President James Hoffa on a reform slate in this year’s Teamster elections.  Leedham’s Strong Contracts/Good Pensions slate — and its rank-and-file supporters — won a big victory when their campaign was accredited for the 2006 International elections. In just over a month, […]

  • The “New” National Security Strategy, the Same Old Nonsense

    How stupid do they think we are?  The administration has been on the road these past few days trying to package the war in Iraq as a success.  Bush insists that the war is going well and that the US will stay on until final victory and eternal democracy.  Dick Cheney told the world that […]

  • Uncle Sam Wants YOU to Be . . .

    Click on the image for a larger view. Huibin Amee Chew is active in anti-imperialist, feminist, and immigrant rights activism in Boston.  She can be reached at .

  • Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, USA, 18 March 2006

      The demonstration of about 100 received favorable coverage by a local newspaper: “Protesters Want Soldiers, Dollars Home” (The Pantagraph 19 March 2006). Click on an image for a larger view. Jan Cox is a co-chair of Bloomington-Normal Citizens for Peace and Justice.

  • Find Me Guilty

    Of all the types and genres of film that exist, the rarest of all may be the autumnal masterpiece.  What explains the infrequent sightings of this cinematic marvel?  It is not that filmmakers somehow lose their talent at a particular age, but rather that, the industry being a slave of fashion, they lose the ability […]

  • Cyril Ferez: “The Man Who Sat Down” [Cyril Ferez: “L’homme assis”]

    C’est ainsi que cela se passe Tu marches et tu décides de t’arrêter La foule est dense et indomptée Tu es en queue de manifestation Ton walkman sur les oreilles pour ne plus entendre Les mugissements des animaux sauvages Casqués, masqués, harnachés Matant et piégeant les graines de rébellion Tu t’assieds La fatigue t’assaille Trop […]

  • Ohio, USA, 18 March 2006

    The anti-war rally at the Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on 18 March 2006 attracted a crowd of 800 (according to Associated Press) to 1,500 (according to WCMH). After the rally, a group of young activists marched on to the headquarters of the Ohio Democratic and Republican Parties, chanting, “We don’t need parties like these, we […]