Archive | Lost & Found

  • Neofascism in the White House

    In this republished essay from 2017, John Bellamy Foster discusses how U.S. neofascism in certain ways resembles the classical fascism of Italy and Germany in the 1920s and ’30s, but with historically distinct features specific to the political economy and culture of the United States in the opening decades of the twenty-first century.

  • Imperialism and Culturalism Complement Each Other

    In this republished essay from 1996, Samir Amin gives his view of Samuel Huntington’s theory of “clash of civilizations.” His demonstration of why culturalism and imperialism reinforce each other, and how victims can be led to accept “difference” in place of equality and liberation, is today of potential utility everywhere.

  • Fascism, from The Theory of Capitalist Development

    Unearthing the chapter on fascism from Paul Sweezy’s The Theory of Capitalist Development (Monthly Review Press, January 1942).

  • Five Theses on Actually Existing Marxism

    In honor of the monumental life of Fredric Jameson (1934–2024), we republish an essay he wrote for the April 1996 issue of Monthly Review.

  • Encyclopedia Brittanica Print Gallery

    On The Rewriting of History

    [Britannica’s revisionist] distortions of the history of the Vietnamese struggle are just as radical and just as misleading [as those about the Soviet Union]. Here we may draw some valuable lessons about the hidden content of form: how apparently neutral principles of organization may shape meaning.

  • Desertification

    An Eco-Revolutionary Tipping Point?

    Global warming, the two climate denials, and the environmental proletariat.

  • Paul Burkett

    Marx’s Vision of Sustainable Human Development

    With global capitalism’s worsening poverty and environmental crises, sustainable human development comes to the fore as the primary question that must be engaged by all twenty-first century socialists in core and periphery alike. It is in this human developmental connection, I will argue, that Marx’s vision of communism or socialism (two terms that he used interchangeably) can be most helpful.

  • Isabel Crook and Harry Magdoff.

    Whither China?

    An Exchange from 2002–⁠03

  • E P Thompson addresses anti-nuclear weapons rally, Oxford, England, 1980

    Call to Mutiny

    “It has never been true that nuclear war is ‘unthinkable.’ It has been thought and the thought has been put into effect.” —E.P. Thompson


    The Political Tragedy of Capitalist Rule

    Society is made up of parts that work together, sometimes more and sometimes less successfully, to produce its livelihood and reproduce itself.

  • What Did You Learn from Iraq?

    Militarism and the Coming Wars

    The dangers and immense suffering caused by all attempts at solving deep-seated social problems by militaristic interventions, on any scale, are obvious enough. If, however, we look more closely at the historical trend of militaristic adventures, it becomes frighteningly clear that they show an ever greater intensification and an ever-increasing scale, from local confrontations to two horrendous world wars in the twentieth century, and to the potential annihilation of humankind when we reach our own time.

  • Monthly Review Volume 45, Number 5 (October 1993)

    The Puzzle of Financialization

    In this reprise from October 1993, Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy ask: “Isn’t there anyone around here who understands how this capitalist system works?”

  • F-16N Fighting Falcon

    End of Cold War Illusions

    In this reprint of the February 1994 “Notes from the Editors,” former MR editors Harry Magdoff and Paul M. Sweezy ask: “The United States could not have won a more decisive victory in the Cold War. Why, then, does it continue to act as though the Cold War is still on?”

  • Alice & Staughton Lynd

    Our kind of Marxist: an interview with Staughton Lynd

    In my opinion, American capitalism no longer has any use for, let’s say, 40 percent of the population. These are the descendants of folks who were brought over here in one way or another during the period of capital accumulation. They’re now superfluous human beings.

  • Barbara Ehrenreich (1941-2022)

    What is Socialist Feminism?

    In remembrance of Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022), we are reposting this article, which first appeared in WIN magazine on June 3, 1976, and then published in Monthly Review in 2005 (Volume 57, Issue 03).

  • State flag of Ukraine behind a wall of anonymous protesters in Kyiv, Ukraine

    Russia and the Ukraine crisis: The Eurasian Project in conflict with the triad imperialist policies

    We wanted to draw readers attention to this piece by Samir Amin, which was written at the time of the Maidan Coup in 2014. —Eds. 1. The current global stage is dominated by the attempt of historical centers of imperialism (the U.S., Western and Central Europe, Japan—hereafter called “the Triad”) to maintain their exclusive control […]

  • "This is the president of McDonnell Douglas speaking…welcome aboard the Titanic…."

    Boring From Within the Bourgeois Press: Part One

    Eugene V. Debs may be my all-time favorite American and Karl Marx my all-time favorite journalist. But my employer for a decade was The Wall Street Journal, and for another decade it was the Los Angeles Times.

  • U.S. stocks dive anew on fear of coronavirus

    The Triumph of Financial Capital

    Financial capital, once cut loose from its original role as a modest helper of a real economy of production to meet human needs, inevitably becomes speculative capital geared solely to its own self-expansion. In earlier times no one ever dreamed that speculative capital, a phenomenon as old as capitalism itself, could grow to dominate a national economy, let alone the whole world. But it has.

  • Heat waves a social murder

    Vouchers for Murder

    In order to commit murder or mayhem under this program, vouchers must be submitted within one week prior to the actions contemplated or within a month afterward. Persons who commit violent acts without valid vouchers will be asked to enter into Voluntary Consent Agreements to desist from unauthorized murder or mayhem, and up to one tenth of any ill-gotten gains will be donated voluntarily to the charity of their choice, without any implication of admission of guilt.

  • James W. Loewen (right) speaking to a standing room only audience at the 2011 National Council for the Social Studies Conference

    The Truth About the First Thanksgiving

    Origin myths do not come cheaply. To glorify the Pilgrims is dangerous. The genial omissions and false details our texts use to retail the Pilgrim legend promote Anglocentrism, which only handicaps us when dealing with all those whose culture is not Anglo.