Ianir Milevski (ed) “Marxist Archeology Today: Historical Materialist Perspectives in Archeology from America, Europe and the Near East in the 21st Century”
Archeology has always been a political science. Since its inception the field has attempted to trace our lineage as a species along the lines of identity, territory and culture. Though often portrayed as a discipline slightly closer to the hard sciences than historiography, it is much closer to its distant cousin in the social sciences than towards anything resembling an empirical practice.
Assange victorious in High Court
The threat of immediate extradition has been lifted in today’s ruling against the U.S. government, reports John Rees from the court.
The billionaires and establishment officials unleashing violence against the student movement
Behind the efforts of the powerful to unleash chaos against students protesting for Palestine.
‘Extremely harrowing’: British surgeon’s Gaza testimony buried by the ‘MSM’
Propaganda by omission is a dominant feature of the ‘mainstream’ news media.
Overcoming our Sisyphus fate
As the great W. E. B. Dubois had long ago noted, “the government of the United States and the forces in control of government regard peace as dangerous.”
Ian Angus’s “The War Against the Commons”: A vital new history of the bloody rise of capitalism
Primitive accumulation is the historical process through which capitalists stole their wealth or took it by force. Canadian ecosocialist Ian Angus has contributed an excellent new book on this history, covering the violent transition from feudalism to capitalism in depth while demonstrating its continuing relevance to the modern world..
The inexorable rise of the Belgian Workers’ Party
European Parliament elections in Belgium are once again taking place in the shadow of national parliamentary and regional elections. One could, therefore, expect similar results in both sets of polls.
A generational challenge: Taming Amazon, renewing labour
As the Occupy protests of 2011 exhausted themselves, a dramatic turn from protests to politics surfaced.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian students, teacher and doctor in Jenin assault
Troops open fire indiscriminately at Palestinians amid large-scale incursion in West Bank city.
On the edge of the ‘climate abyss’
With scientists warning of imminent catastrophe, it is time to stop expecting our rulers to change course by persuasion; only militant anti-capitalism will work, argues John Clarke.
Capitalism’s new age of plagues (Part 5): The pandemic machines
In March, Cal-Maine Foods, the largest U.S. egg producer, reported that chickens in one of its Texas egg factories had contracted Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Type A–better known as Bird Flu. To stop the disease from spreading, the corporation slaughtered 1.6 million birds.
Vulture capitalism
Grace Blakeley is a media star of the radical left-wing of the British labour movement. She is a columnist for the left-wing journal, Tribune, and a regular panellist on political debates in broadcasting—often the only spokesperson on the left advocating socialist alternatives.
A Senator who rose to power with help of Cuban hardliners
Sen. Bob Menendez, the most powerful Cuban-American to serve in Congress, goes on trial in Manhattan on May 13 on bribery and other charges.
A captive’s musings on freedom: Gautam Navlakha’s notes from prison
It is at a time like this that one faces a critical choice: to either fall silent and submit to the authorities or to continue to strive and struggle for freedom, unmindful of the outcome.
CIA targeting smartphone app data
The same agencies that used and abused private user data with total impunity for years are being granted responsibility for crafting their own internal policies for what is and isn’t acceptable to intercept, analyse, exploit, and act upon.
Unions support student protestors against campus administrators and police
More than 2,700 protesters have been arrested on 64 college campuses since the initial arrests at Columbia University in New York on April 18. Encampments have appeared at 184 campuses worldwide.
United States assembles the squad against China
In early April 2024, the navies of four countries—Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and the United States—held a maritime exercise in the South China Sea. Australia’s Warramunga, Japan’s Akebono, the Philippines’ Antonio Luna, and the United States’ Mobile worked together in these waters to strengthen their joint abilities and—as they said in a joint statement—to “uphold the right to freedom of navigation and overflight and respect for maritime rights under international law.”
As corals bleach worldwide, some outlets are willing to name the cause: Fossil fuels
Record levels of heat in the ocean are causing once-colorful coral reefs around the world to bleach a ghostly white.
Ukrainian communist Dmitri Kovalevich: Ukraine has become a private mercenary company of NATO to fight against its opponents (Interview)
According to Dmitri Kovalevich, the United States controls all decisions in Ukraine, not only military but also economic. “It is not the Ukrainian [military] command that decides where to advance, what to undermine, what to shell; Ukrainian soldiers are acting on the advice of Western instructors,” he said, referring to the actions of the Ukrainian armed forces.
A mad world: Capitalism and the rise of mental illness
What if it’s not us who are sick, asks Rod Tweedy, but a system at odds with who we are as social beings?