Geography Archives: Americas

  • Call for an Audit Commission on Greek Public Debt

    We the undersigned believe that there is a pressing need for an Audit Commission to examine Greek public debt.  Current EU and IMF policy to deal with public debt has entailed major social costs for Greece.  Consequently, the Greek people have a democratic right to demand full information on public and publicly-guaranteed debt. The aim […]

  • Missing in Madison — Where’s Obama? Nurses Offer to Buy President’s Shoes to March with Workers

    The past two weeks have been a “Where’s Waldo” moment for President Obama. He’s been largely a bystander while tens of thousands of American workers, joined by students, and community allies, marched in Madison’s snow and freezing temperatures, and slept on the floors of the capitol, to defend their most fundamental right to freedom of […]

  • Venezuela’s Position on Libya

      Venezuela’s proposal to “set up a Goodwill International Commission for the search for peace in Libya” mentioned in the statement below has been accepted by the government of Libya but rejected by the opposition Libyan National Council, France, and the United States. — Ed. This statement records Venezuela’s position on United Nations General Assembly […]

  • March 1st Protest to Defend Ohio’s Working Class

    No on Senate Bill 5, 1 March 2011 Panayiotis T. Manolakos is an independent economist, writer, and activist based in Ohio.  The photographs above (available at are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print

  • Ohio: Rigged Game

      Ohio’s Senate Bill 5 passed today, 17-16. — Ed. Rigged Game So, after a full and fair debate on SB#5 before a Committee the majority of whom are Republicans, the Bill was going down to defeat.  Two Republican Senators, Hughes and Seitz had reasoned the Bill was unfair to public employees and was overreaching. […]

  • It’s Up to You to Take Action and Fight Back

      Senate Bill 5 will destroy the way of life of hundreds of thousands of Ohioans and hurt our communities.  One way to take a stand is by coming out to the biggest Statehouse rally yet TODAY: from 9 AM, Statehouse‘s West Lawn on the High Street side.  The Senate Insurance, Commerce, and Labor Committee […]

  • URGENT!  Don’t Let the Tea Party Take Over the Ohio SB 5 Hearing Room

      Late in the evening after SB5 protesters held the biggest rally at the Statehouse in 15 years, word has just come out that SB5 may come up for a vote this Wednesday, March 2nd. We can only guess whether this was timed to coincide with the Tea Party rally scheduled for the Statehouse that […]

  • “We’ve Been Reaching Out to Many Different Libyans Who Are Attempting to Organize in the East”

      Here’s another clue about the real balance of forces in Libya, which has been obscured by the concerted corporate media propaganda.  Washington has decided that the Libyan rebels don’t have what it takes to take Tripoli, where about half of Libya’s population live, on their own (as the rebels admit themselves) and that the […]

  • The New American Workers Movement and the Confrontation to Come

    The new American workers movement — born in the last few weeks in the giant protests in Wisconsin and Ohio — faces a fateful confrontation this week.  In Madison and Columbus, Republican legislators are pushing to abolish public employee labor unions and tens of thousands of workers are protesting and resisting.  We have seen nothing […]

  • What Does the Libyan Opposition Want?

    As everyone knows, Muammar Gaddafi is an authoritarian dictator.  Authoritarian dictators are a dime a dozen in world history, though, so that is not what would distinguish him from the rest of his kind in history books.  What might make him stand out is this: in the twilight of his autocratic career, Gaddafi had become […]

  • Rally to Save Ohio’s Middle Class

      Tues. March 1 starting 10AM going all day West Lawn of the Statehouse THE SENATE IS EXPECTED TO VOTE ON SENATE BILL 5 TUESDAY. For more info, visit <>.   var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print  

  • Cynicism’s Danse Macabre

    The politics of plunder imposed by the United States and its NATO allies in the Middle East is in crisis.  This was inevitably unleashed with the high cost of grain, the effects of which are being felt with more force in the Arab nations where, despite their enormous oil resources, the shortage of water, arid […]

  • Demonstration in Defense of Workers’ Rights at Ohio’s Statehouse

    No on Senate Bill 5, 22 February 2011 Panayiotis T. Manolakos is an independent economist, writer, and activist based in Ohio.  The photographs above (available at are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print

  • Azmi Bishara on Libya

      On Al Jazeera, Dr. Azmi Bishara said that the violence unleashed in Libya against the Libyan people is beyond belief — indicative of desperation on the part of the political order — or rather “disorder” — in Libya, attempting to put a quick end to the uprising before escalation, as the situation is a […]

  • The Trial: The Untold Story of the Cuban 5

    The Trial is a Documentary by Rolando Almirante, narrated by Danny Glover and presented by ICAIC and Telesur. You can view the entire documentary below and read articles by Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada about the Cuban 5.

  • Just Say No — No More Cuts for Workers

    There should be two lasting lessons to emerge from the heroic labor-led protests in Wisconsin. First, working people — with our many allies, students, seniors, women’s organizations, and more — are inspired and ready to fight. Second, we need to send a clear and unequivocal message to the right-wing politicians and those in the media […]

  • House Prices Continue Sharp Decline

    The Case-Shiller 20-City index fell sharply again in December, dropping a full percentage point from its November level.  This is the third consecutive month that it has fallen by at least 1.0 percent.  It is now down by 4.3 percent from its peak in July.  Nineteen of the 20 cities had a drop in prices.  […]

  • From Egyptian Workers to American Workers: “We Stand with You as You Stood with Us”

      Kamal Abbas is General Coordinator of the Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services, an umbrella advocacy organization for independent unions in Egypt.  The CTUWS suffered repeated harassment and attack by the Mubarak regime and played a leading role in its overthrow.  Abbas, who witnessed friends killed by the regime during the 1989 Helwan […]

  • Speak Out against Imperialist Intervention in Libya

    . . . In December of 1951, Libya became the first African country to attain its independence after World War II, during which its territory was the scene of significant battles between German and British troops, bringing fame to Generals Erwin Rommel and Bernard. L. Montgomery. Total desert covers 95% of its territory.  Technology made […]

  • Calling All Workers and Retirees

    Workers, retirees, unionists, and activists of all stripes and sizes are responding to calls to protest at state capitals in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and elsewhere. In Michigan, where I live, Governor Snyder wants to raise taxes on workers, poor people, and retirees so he can give businesses a tax break of 1.8 billion dollars.  This […]