Eby says the true part about Big Media out loud
A hard line against behemoths such as Bell is needed now more than ever.
How Canada benefits from instability in Ecuador
Ottawa appears largely unconcerned by Ecuador’s social and institutional decay.
Palestine ‘a crappy piece of land’ claim sparks outrage
The resignation of a provincial minister in Canada over anti-Palestinian comments marks a victory for the Palestine solidarity movement, reports John Clarke.
John Saul and the meaning of solidarity
Saul, who died last year, played a key role in supporting liberation movements in Africa while advancing social change at home
Canada’s oilsands are a toxic nightmare
The poisonous waste, and deadly carbon emissions produced by oilsands production is even worse than had been thought, and production must stop, argues John Clarke.
Canada imposes catch-all definition of “espionage” as part of bellicose anti-China furor
In a decision with far-reaching implications for democratic rights, a Federal Court has endorsed the Canadian government’s imposition of a sweeping new definition of espionage.
600,000 workers strike in Quebec: We can defeat the hated CAQ government!
On Nov. 23, close to 600,000 public sector workers in Quebec were on strike. Considering that Quebec has around 4,439,000 people active in the labour market, this represents 13.5 per cent of all workers in the province!
Censorship and civic terror in Canada: The silencing of Palestinian voices and Palestinian supporters
These are the final days of 2023. But are we sure it’s not the end of 1953?
Historic march demands an end to Canada’s complicity in Israel’s crimes in Palestine
100,000 people marched in the Canadian capital on November 25 to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the complicity of the Canadian government in Israel’s ongoing violence and colonization of Palestine.
The food police
Food theft isn’t an indicator of criminality, but of a failing social system.
Canada’s steadfast support for Big Agriculture’s assault on Mexican biodiversity
Although Mexico has maintained a ban on genetically modified (GM) corn since the 1990s, the move by Mexican President Andres Manuel Luiz Obrador (AMLO) in 2020 to eventually ban the import of GM corn in order to promote domestic cultivation of native varieties has threatened to spark a trade war with the United States.
The ONDP shivs Sarah Jama over opposition to genocide
The Ontario NDP is addicted to sucking.
Yaroslav Hunka, Politico and the rehabilitation of Nazi war crimes
The logic of the war in Ukraine requires the rehabilitation of the worst crimes of the Nazi regime.
How ‘parental rights’ language smuggles anti-LGBTQ hate into mainstream politics
‘Parental rights’ is a hateful piper’s tune to commandeer the minds of adults who are supposed to know better.
Liberal alliances with Nazis produce inevitable blowback
NaziGate highlights Canadian ties to far-right Ukrainian nationalism, support for NATO and a long history of conflict with Russia.
Wab Kinew becomes first First Nations premier in Canadian history
For the first time in Canada’s history, one of its provinces has a First Nations person as its premier.
How Canada helped whitewash the Nazi SS Galicia Division
How a 1986 commission came to be accused of whitewashing Nazi war crimes.
Building pipelines as Canada burns
The Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion in British Columbia is running into another round of problems and generating even more opposition. ‘The controversial government-owned fossil fuel company is seeking regulatory approval to change its pipeline construction methods and route, after running into problems drilling a tunnel.’
World War II revisionism on full display in Nazi’s visit to Parliament
Schalk: We are cynically rewriting history to serve contemporary political interests
Hear no NATO evil, see no NATO evil
To maintain public support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)’s proxy war with Russia, it’s important to erase its history of violence. The Canadian media’s refusal to mention NATO’s role in Libya’s instability partly reflects the requirements of Ukraine propaganda.