Geography Archives: Cuba

  • Message from Fidel to Chávez

    Congratulations to you and your people for a victory which, because of its magnitude, is impossible to measure.

  • Chávez’ Article

    It was 2006. I was really very ill but very much aware of what was happening. During those days around the middle of September, the XIV NAM Summit where Cuba was elected to the Presidency was ending. I could barely sit up and take my place at a table. That’s how I received some important heads of state or government. The Prime Minister of India was among them. The highest ranking visitor I received in that emergency room in the Presidential Palace was the Ghanaian Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, who a few days later would be ending his mandate.

  • A Meeting with Michelle Bachelet, the President of Chile

    It doesn’t matter what I say about the friendly meeting, some news agencies and papers will take the information and will print that the old man, convalescing after a serious illness or some other description directed towards reducing the modest value of whatever I expressed to my prestigious interlocutor.

  • The immediate response

    The response came barely a few hours later. Rahm Emmanuel, the White House chief of staff, spoke. It is of no importance that he failed to mention my modest Reflection. What is important is the response.

  • Contradictions between Obama’s politics and ethics

    The other day I noted some of Obama’s ideas that point to his role within a system that is the negation of every just principle.

  • Deciphering the thinking of the new president of the United States

    It isn’t too difficult. After his inauguration, Barack Obama stated that the return of the territory occupied by the Guantánamo Naval Base to its legitimate owner had to be carefully considered, in the first place, in terms of whether it would affect the defense capacity of the United States in the most minimal way.

  • The Eleventh President of the United States

    Last Tuesday, the 20th of January of 2009, Barack Obama assumed the leadership of the empire as the 11th president of the United States since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959.

  • The meeting with Cristina

    The conversation lasted 40 minutes, the exchange of ideas was as intense and interesting as I had expected. She is a person of profound convictions. There were no disagreements.

  • This Marvelous People, the Cuban People, a Heroic People, Has Taught the World That Revolution Has a Destiny

      Speech by His Excellency Mr. Rafael Correa Delgado, president of the Republic of Ecuador, at the commemoration event for the 50th anniversary of the entry of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro into Havana, at Ciudad Libertad, January 8, 2009 Dear Comandante, President Raúl Castro Ruz, I expect that compañero Fidel is watching us, so […]

  • Interview with Mariela Castro on the Future of Sex and Socialism in Cuba

      Mariela Castro is Director of the National Center for Sex Education in Cuba. Anastasia Haydulina: One day your uncle Fidel Castro . . . is going to die.  Do you think his death will change the status quo of your Cuba? Mariela Castro: First of all, the death of Fidel will bring great suffering […]

  • Fidel congratulates the Cuban people

    Fidel congratulates the Cuban people

  • An immense and undeserved honor

    I was able to follow the discussions of the Caribbean leaders, represented at the highest level in the meeting in Santiago de Cuba, capital of the former Oriente province and cradle of the Revolution. In a few days, the 50th anniversary of that triumph of January 1, 1959 will be commemorated.

  • Swimming Up Stream

    Following Obama’s speech, on May 23 this year, to the Cuban American National Foundation established by Ronald Reagan, I wrote a reflection entitled “The Empire’s Hypocritical Policy”. It was dated on the 25th of the same month.

  • Absolute Transparency

    Who can doubt it? Observers from all parts and varying shades have attended the elections in Venezuela on November 23, 2007. They have reported with absolute freedom. The oligarchy cried out like mad to the world the coarse slander that the extension of the voting hours at the polling stations, giving the citizens the possibility to cast their vote, was intended to commit fraud, even though the National Election Council had previously decided to do so and had announced it.

  • The G20, the G21 and the G192

    As if there were not enough reasons to go mad, the proliferation of acronyms related to the crisis is such that one can hardly understand them. The first was the G20, a selected group meeting in Washington that pretended to represent all. The second was the also selective APEC group which met in Lima. There was the richest country, the United States; this is number one, with a per capita GDP of 45 thousand dollars a year. But there was also the number 100 country, the People’s Republic of China, with a per capita GDP of 2,483 dollars; this is also the number one investor in US Treasure bonds.

  • Meeting Hu Jintao

    He related the exploits of the Chinese people in the past 10 months. The enormous nation with a 1.3 billion population has been hit by heavy and out-of-season snow, and an earthquake which devastated areas three times that of Cuba; in addition to the most serious international economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

  • The Washington meeting

    According to recent statements, some supportive governments do not cease to say they want to facilitate transition in Cuba. What kind of transition? Transition to capitalism, the only system they have absolute faith in. They do not say a word about the merits of our people, which for almost half a century of harsh economic sanctions and aggressions, has defended a revolutionary cause that together with its morale and patriotism, has given it the strength to put up a resistance.

  • Fidel Castro Book Values Principles

    Fidel Castro’s book “La Paz en Colombia” (Peace in Colombia ), launched in this capital Wednesday, proclaims Cuba and its leader’s attachment to ethics and principles to politically solve the conflict in that nation.

  • La Paz en Columbia

    “La Paz en Colombia” (Peace in Colombia), written by Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, will be launched Wednesday at the capital’s Conference Center, Granma newspaper reports.

  • The Third Hurricane

    It could loose strength but it is already raining in most of the country. It’s raining on farming areas absolutely drenched by the recent rainfalls. The water reservoirs filled up to almost full capacity due to hurricanes Gustav and Ike will be releasing water on cultivated fields and valleys. This already happened at the end of August and early September. This hurricane has been given the misleading name of Paloma.