Vulture capitalism
Grace Blakeley is a media star of the radical left-wing of the British labour movement. She is a columnist for the left-wing journal, Tribune, and a regular panellist on political debates in broadcasting—often the only spokesperson on the left advocating socialist alternatives.
As corals bleach worldwide, some outlets are willing to name the cause: Fossil fuels
Record levels of heat in the ocean are causing once-colorful coral reefs around the world to bleach a ghostly white.
A mad world: Capitalism and the rise of mental illness
What if it’s not us who are sick, asks Rod Tweedy, but a system at odds with who we are as social beings?
Why China has little reason to trust the U.S.
In the last decade xenophobic tropes intended to stoke fear and loathing of Chinese have accelerated ominously in the American mainstream media as many public officials of both parties label China as our “adversary” or even our “enemy.”
General Assembly endorses pathway for full Palestinian Statehood
“We want peace, we want freedom,” Palestinian UN Ambassador, Riyad Mansour, told the General Assembly before the vote. “A yes vote is a vote for Palestinian existence; it is not against any state… It is an investment in peace.”
Practicing science as class struggle
Tenant Unionism, Public Health, and Radical Science in Connecticut.
77% of top climate scientists think 2.5°C of warming is coming-and they’re horrified
“I expect a semi-dystopian future with substantial pain and suffering for the people of the Global South,” one expert said.
The crisis of liberalism
Modern liberalism was developed in response to the Bolshevik Revolution during the capitalist crisis of the inter-war period, as a way of resolving that crisis, and other similar crises that could arise in future, without transcending capitalism.
Brett Christophers: “Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World”
Since the global financial crisis, big banks have taken a backseat, and asset managers have become the—often self-appointed—new experts and administrators of capitalism.
UNESCO awards World Press Freedom prize to Palestinian journalists
The Palestinian journalists covering the Israeli onslaught on Gaza and the suffering of the Palestinian people are rewarded with the Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom prize.
Ultra-processed food: The profitable filth capitalism feeds us
In general, the discussion around diet today is a monotonous sermon.
Ecological crisis and the role of the working class
The agents of such a holistic revolution to save Mother Earth are not simply the working class in a traditional economic sense, but also the ‘ecological proletariat’, a dedicated army of an ecologically conscious working class, writes Rana Mitra.
Beyond the binary of race and class: A Marxist Humanist perspective
The emergence of a new generation of antiracist activists and theorists seeking to advance an anticapitalist agenda creates a new vantage point of reexamining how racism relates to the logic of capital. This essay explores sources in the work of Marx, twentieth century Marxists, and Frantz Fanon that can provide direction for overcoming the binary of class and race.
To the emerging political force who could change the world
This is truly a new political fact: particularly on the issue of war, but not only, the 20-year-olds are coming back on the scene.
AI chatbots: Hype meets reality
The chatbot revolution began in 2022 with OpenAI’s introduction of ChatGPT.
Protect the Arctic Region: Already threatened Arctic ecology can be devastated further by rapid militarization
The Arctic region is warming at twice the global rate, leading to rapid melting of ice–some have even predicted ice-free summers by year 2034.
Socialist climate struggle for a world worth living in
On 19 April, tens of thousands of young and oppressed as well as working class people more broadly will once again hit the streets for the next global climate strike with actions expected on all continents.
Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism
Since the end of WW2, the imperialist bloc (IC) annually got around 1% of their GDP through the transfer of surplus value in international trade from the rest of the major ‘developing’ economies (DC) in the G20; while the latter lost about 1% of their GDP in surplus value transferred to the imperialist bloc. And these ratios were rising.
Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues (Part 4)
Agribusiness assaults on tropical forests are driving the emergence of new diseases and epidemics.
On the Marxist critique of Heidegger
How Marxists should approach the critique of Martin Heidegger.