Eroding neutrality also undermines international Geneva. Yet Geneva remains silent…
By adopting unilateral U.S.-European sanctions against Russia in February 2022, even though it had always claimed that it would only apply sanctions endorsed by the United Nations and enshrined in international law, the Swiss government has dealt a heavy blow to neutrality and international Geneva. But in Geneva, nobody flinched. And here are the reasons why.
At Davos, the inmates run the asylum—and the world
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is the ruling-class Comic-Con, a fantasy fortress where the 1 percent’s 1 percent can save the world that they are sending to hell.
Dangerous entanglement of the Swiss Armed Forces with NATO
Perpetual armed neutrality is one of the most important principles of Swiss foreign policy. The idea of neutrality is well anchored in our country, its people, and its history. To abolish it directly and openly is therefore not feasible. For several decades, however, efforts have been made to weaken and disintegrate the original concept of neutrality.
Switzerland is in danger
On Swiss neutrality.
Force-marching the Europeans
Am I the only American to travel overseas and feel embarrassed by the conduct of the diplomats Washington sends abroad to speak for our republic?
Credit Suisse: Afterthoughts to the end of the party
If you want to win back the trust of people, you have to protect them from the excesses of the financial world.
Leftist parties intensify campaign to maintain Swiss neutrality
The Communist Party and the Swiss Party of Labor (PST-POP) have made neutrality a key plank of their campaign in the upcoming elections. The political leadership of the country is being accused of compromising the policy of neutrality under the influence of NATO and EU.
How Swiss politicians dismantle Swiss neutrality
The Swiss Confederation—the “Confoederatio Helvetica”, hence the CH on the cars—has been historically neutral since the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
“If Europe is incapable of working for peace, it will vanish from history!”
Georges Martin: Switzerland has always considered that there are two elements to its neutrality: the “right of neutrality” in case of war, as stipulated in the Hague Convention of 1907, and the “policy of neutrality”.
Unprecedented melt of Swiss Glaciers, finds study
Switzerland’s glaciers are melting like never before, found a study. Switzerland has the greatest volume of glaciers of any country in Europe.
“The goal is not to help Ukraine, but to fight Putin”
This interview comes to us through the kind courtesy of the Swiss journal, Zeitgeschehen im Fokus. In it, Jacques Baud brings us up-to-date on the Ukraine situation, while providing us with great insights, in his usual, inimitable way. He is in conversation with Thomas Kaiser.
Zelenskymania and Switzerland’s ruined image
Background and foreground of the war in Ukraine.
An exemplary feminist mobilization
Female school students, with the support of feminist collectives, are mobilizing against sexist punishments put in place by their school management for wearing outfits deemed provocative.
I will hold you in my arms a day after the war
On Monday, 27 January, the South African photographer Santu Mofokeng slipped away. His camera had been a familiar presence in the anti-apartheid struggle; after years of photographing police violence and popular resistance, he tired of making ‘images bespeaking gloom, monotony, anguish, struggle, [and] oppression’, he wrote in 1993.
The Marxist turn in animal liberation?
The Alliance is a political association of various animal liberation groups centered in Germany and Switzerland. It was formed to support research, criticism and debate over the ideas of Marxism as they impact the animal liberation struggle and to contribute to a new approach to the praxis of the movement. The Alliance published it’s 18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation in January, 2017.
Dutiful dirges of Davos
Thousands of people will gather next week in Davos. Their combined wealth will reach several hundred billion dollars, perhaps even close to a trillion. Never in world history will be the amount of wealth per square foot so high. And this year, for the sixth or seventh consecutive time, what would be one of the principal topics addressed by these captains of industry, billionaires, employers of thousands of people across the four corners of the globe: inequality…
Betrayal in Geneva
The news coming out of Geneva these days is indeed very shocking and depressing. The Abbas government, whose term in office expired long ago, has succumbed to pressure being exerted by Hillary Clinton and Avigdor Lieberman to defer any and all discussion of the Goldstone report on the war crimes in Gaza until next […]