Geography Archives: Syria

  • Parroting the Obama Administration’s Line on Iran and Syria

    Last year, we took the Washington Post‘s Joby Warrick to task for stories he published that relied “almost entirely on unnamed U.S. officials and a known terrorist organization” to advance “Iraq-redux” claims that the Islamic Republic is seeking to build nuclear weapons.  Now, Warrick published a front-page story in the Washington Post — a story […]

  • Syria, Libya, and Russia’s Retreat from “Reset”

    The last thing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev did before departing for France to attend this week’s Group of Eight summit meeting in Deauville was place a call to Damascus. Prima facie, one may think the call made sense, since, as Reuters reported, “Syria’s crackdown on pro-democracy protests” is going to be high on the agenda […]

  • Telephone Conversation with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad

      May 24, 2011, 19:30 In continuation of the telephone conversation between the presidents of Russia and Syria held on April 6, 2011, and on the eve of his trip to France for a G8 summit, Dmitry Medvedev stated the principled position of the Russian Federation regarding the events in Syria and around it.  The […]

  • Bolivarian Leader Stands in Solidarity with Syrian People against Imperial Onslaught

    The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela communicated by telephone with his brother, the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Bashar al-Assad, in order to convey to him a personal greeting full of affection and hope at a moment when the imperialist forces are unleashing violence against the Syrian people. President Hugo Chávez received […]

  • Reform and Revolution in Syria

    Elias Muhanna: Since when have Middle Eastern governments, or any governments for that matter, managed to stifle religious parties in the Middle East by preventing them from coming to the fore?  If they pass a political parties law in Syria but they don’t allow religious parties, don’t you think that’s just gonna blow up in […]

  • On the Revolt in Syria

    The parties involved in the revolt in Syria so far have not made their programs public.  Undoubtedly, the drift of the Ba’athist regime, won over to neoliberalism and singularly passive in the face of the Israeli occupation of Golan, is the reason for the uprising of people.  However, the CIA’s intervention must not be ruled […]

  • Israel and South Sudan

    Fahd Bahady is a Syrian cartoonist.  This cartoon was first published in his blog on 23 May 2011; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes.  Cf. Gil Ronen, “South Sudan Wants Ties with Israel” (Arutz Sheva, 17 February 2011); “Israel Hopes to Attain a New African Ally in S. Sudan” (Jerusalem Post, 29 February […]

  • God Help Syria!

    I’ve talked with the Syrian president, our brother Bashar, a couple of minutes ago.  Syria is a victim of a fascist onslaught.  God Help Syria! Hugo Chávez Frías is the president of Venezuela.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  Cf. Karin Leukefeld, “Syriens Kommunisten sehen »Chance« für Veränderungen” (junge Welt, 14 May […]

  • Justice

    ICC to Sudan: “Who committed the crimes of genocide?” STL to Lebanon: “Who killed Hariri?” Justice, however, is asleep when it comes to Iraq, Gaza, and Afghanistan. . . . Fahd Bahady is a Syrian cartoonist.  This cartoon was first published in his blog on 9 March 2011; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational […]

  • May 15: The Return to Palestine, from the Maroun Ar-Ras Border

    In 2006, I found myself working with a variety of Palestinian groups who wanted to establish an educational center downtown, to create a space for discussion of their legitimate grievances, both about the right of return to Palestine and their situation within Lebanon.  The center went up, but then a few days later Israel started […]

  • STL Redux

    Opportunistic Leb Tribunal changes indictment to now finger Syria.  Oh please. #STL #Bellemare #Imperialism Sharmine Narwani is a Senior Associate at St Antony’s College, Oxford University.  Read her blog Mideast Shuffle at <>.  Follow Narwani at <!/snarwani>.  The text above is one of her tweets today.  Cf. Elias Muhanna, “Syria: Conveniently Vulnerable Once Again?” […]

  • The Revolt in Syria

      The movement, which I’d call a popular movement for a Syrian revolution, has sought the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad since it first began in the southern city of Daraa when [two teenagers were arrested for painting a slogan on the walls] that has been the main one at every demonstration ever since: “The people […]

  • Who’s Winning the Great Game in the Middle East?

    Meanwhile, Iran keeps growing its nuclear program (Bushehr, Natanz, Isfahan, etc.) . . . Fahd Bahady is a Syrian cartoonist.  This cartoon was first published in his blog on 17 May 2011; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes.  Cf. “‘Sit long enough by the river and the corpse of your enemy will float […]

  • Obama on the Middle East: Sticking with a Failed Script

    May 18, 2011 In an effort to define the dominant narrative about the ongoing Arab awakening and America’s role in the Middle East, President Obama will give what the White House is billing as a major address on Middle East policy.  However eloquently delivered, the address will not be able to overcome or compensate for […]

  • Tariq Ali on Syria and Libya: “Whenever the West Intervenes, It’s a Disaster”

      Tariq Ali: I don’t think sanctions work.  They are essentially a symbolic measure.  Usually when sanctions are applied against a country, they affect the poor people in that country more than the ruling elites, as we saw for years before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003.  They had imposed a bloody sanctions regime, […]

  • Who Benefits from Sanctioning Syria’s Assad?

    Sanctioning President Assad — what can it accomplish? Most importantly, it will help President Obama in his presidential campaign.  He can stand as someone who acts firmly against Arab dictators.  He killed Bin Laden and sanctioned Bashar al-Assad.  He takes decisive action and stands with the Arab street and for democracy.  This will serve him […]

  • Opposition’s Call for General Strike Falls on Deaf Ears in Syria

    DAMASCUS, May 18 (RIA Novosti) The Syrian opposition’s calls to hold a general day-long strike on Wednesday have been largely ignored, Aljazeera reported. The Syrian opposition called for a general strike as the government denied reports that it has been burying anti-government protesters in mass graves. “Wednesday will be a day of punishment for the […]

  • On Syria and Libya

      Question: Today, Clinton stated that the US considered it necessary to step up pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.  How can you comment on this? Foreign Minister Lavrov: No one is happy when in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, as in all other states there are disturbing developments, with blood […]

  • Returning to Jaffa: The Triumphant Odyssey of Palestinian Refugee Hassan Hijazi

      Hassan Hijazi, a Syrian-Palestinian youth, is as surprised as the Israeli police.  Hassan, who is a civil servant in the Education Ministry of Syria, had never imagined, even in his wildest dream, that one day he would be able to stroll on the streets of Jaffa, a city annexed to Tel Aviv.  “My parents […]

  • Syria: Releasing Detainees, Government Seeks to Meet Opposition Demands

    With the release of some detainees, the Syrian government has met at least partially one of the demands of the Syrian opposition, according to Reuters, which interviewed Ammar Qurabi of the National Organization for Human Rights in Syria on Thursday. Hassan Abdel Azim, who is 81 years old, and Hazem al-Nahar were released on Monday.  […]