•  | Work or Wages sign during demonstration | MR Online

    Popular radicalism in the 1930s

    At a time when unemployment is skyrocketing in the U.S. and millions of out-of-work Americans have been abandoned by the federal government, it may be of interest to consider how an earlier generation responded to an even greater crisis, the Great Depression (1929-1936).

  •  | Disabled individuals protesting | MR Online

    Disabled people under attack

    In December, Ontario’s Auditor-General, Bonnie Lysyk, issued a report that offers the province’s right wing Tory government an opportunity to attack disabled people living in poverty.

  •  | Carlos Latuff 2016 Israel denies water to Palestine West Bank | MR Online

    Balfour at 100: A legacy of racism and propaganda

    The coming months mark the centennial of Palestine’s forcible incorporation into the British Empire. In November 1917, British foreign secretary Lord Arthur Balfour declared his government’s support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”; in December, Jerusalem fell to British troops.

  •  | People  communities should have the right to control their energy future | MR Online

    UK unions call for energy to be returned to public ownership

    The annual congress of the UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) has passed a historic composite resolution on climate change that supports the energy sector being returned to public ownership and democratic control.

  •  | Trump Is Trying to Make NAFTA Even Worse | MR Online

    Trump is trying to make NAFTA even worse

    Many on the Left have been deeply critical of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) since before it was fast-tracked into law by former President Bill Clinton in 1994. Now, President Donald Trump’s current plan to renegotiate NAFTA is poised to make the massive trade deal even worse.

  •  | No War on Korea | MR Online

    The need for a new U.S. foreign policy toward North Korea

    USA-North Korean relations remain very tense even though the threat of a new Korean War has receded. Yet the U.S. government remains determined to tighten economic sanctions on North Korea and continues to plan for a military strike aimed at destroying the country’s nuclear infrastructure.

  •  | South American Federation of Trade Unionists | MR Online

    Let’s Rebuild a Democratic Global Trade Union Movement

    This whole project to hollow out institutions has only one aim which is the creation of a predatory state whose only reason for existence is to accumulate and plunder the country’s resources for the benefit of family members of Jacob Zuma, as well as the network of greedy, corrupt families who also benefit from crony capitalism.

  •  | Rania Khalek Interviewed by Chris Hedges | MR Online

    The Much-Maligned Views of Rania Khalek on Syria

    The people that have written about Rania [Khalek] publicly range from truly creepy stalkers to left academics who fired off a quick set of libels and then expressed dismay at the responses to them. But other than people talking about her, it is in fact rather difficult to find any sources for these “views” of hers that apparently disqualify her to speak or publish on any topic.

  •  | Workers at Whirlpool | MR Online

    Monopolization and labor exploitation

    Those who advocate “freeing the market” claim that doing so will encourage competition and thereby increase majority well-being. These advocates have certainly had their way shaping economic policies. And the results? According to several leading economists, the results include the growing monopolization of product markets and the steady decline in labour’s share of national income. Neither outcome desirable.