•  | Prof Kumar David | MR Online

    ‘Corbynomics’ as fair and caring socialism

    Karl Polanyi’s reciprocal, redistributive substantive-socialism; ‘Corbynomics’ as fair and caring socialism.

  •  | Karl Marx  The Social Sciences | MR Online

    Karl Marx & the social sciences

    In this bicentennial year of Karl Marx’s birth, there has been a great deal of celebration of his work and ideas. Many essays appeared in the global media during the first week of this month –Marx was born on May 05, 1818 – emphasized the relevance of his critique of capitalism even today.

  •  | Sumanasiri Liyanage | MR Online

    Banking reforms in the context of subordinate financialization

    It is both an honor and a pleasure to be here at the event of marking the 75th Anniversary of the Ceylon Bank Employees Union. First, let me offer my heartfelt greetings to CBEU, its office bearers and membership. CBEU has had a proud and celebrated history of struggles that helped immensely to record so many victories to improve the conditions of the working class in general and the bank employees in particular.