Is public investment holding up global capitalism’s dynamism?
Capitalism is supposed to be all about economic growth, through the dynamism that is created by competition. This growth is meant to be driven by investment (or accumulation) which, in turn, is used to justify the shares of national income that are delivered to private profits, to the owners of capital.
Growing divergence between China and ‘Developing Asia’
The past year has brought into sharp relief the significant differences between China and the rest of the world.
COVID-19 adds new dimensions to U.S.-China trade war
The Trump regime is ratcheting up its protectionist rhetoric vis-à-vis China. If this leads to new sanctions, it would worsen the COVID-induced trade crisis rather than help the U.S.
Growth figures underscore economic crisis amidst COVID
Early evidence on the intensity and drivers of the COVID-induced crisis in the U.S. and Europe suggests that the official response may lengthen the recession and delay recovery
Vanishing green shoots and the possibility of another crisis
Governments and central banks that were upbeat about global economic recovery are turning pessimistic. A coordinated fiscal stimulus across nations is the need of hour.
Did developing countries recover from the global crisis?
A decade after the Global Financial Crisis, developing countries still bear the scars in the form of lower growth and investment rates.
Has Donald Trump already changed U.S. trade?
Trump is threatening to dismantle the current world trading system, but in his first year US trading patterns show strong continuity with the previous administration.