‘People are speaking in whispers’
Student suspensions, faculty purges and an all-encompassing surveillance state have become the norm as Columbia falls silent after last spring’s anti-genocide protests.
Make White People accountable again
(As if they ever were.)
Labor breakthrough: Workers winning victories once thought impossible
Zoomers and millennials want to turn low-wage retail and service sector jobs into stable, good-paying union jobs.
NYC’s $13 million settlement with BLM protesters “not a victory, but something to hold onto’
An interview with longtime activist Savitri Durkee who was a plaintiff in the record-setting class-action lawsuit.
Why I wrote a book about my pet parrot
Michael & Debby Smith write about 30 years of living with a parrot whose intelligence and emotional awareness challenges our human-centric world view.
Amazon Labor Union’s small army of volunteer law students
Around 100 are helping in the battle against the country’s second-largest employer.
Kingston tenants win historic 15% rent reduction
A grassroots tenant-organizing victory comes after Orlando and several cities across CA adopted rent control on Tuesday.
“Culture Shock”: Harlem’s Socialist City Council member Kristin Richardson Jordan reflects on her first three months in office
Outsider-turned-insider looks for more allies as she fights budget cuts and a turn toward more intense policing.
It’s time for the Left to embrace the Critical Race Theory debate
Pretending CRT isn’t real robs us of the chance to mount a strong defense.
Solidarity wins in Columbia strike victory
Columbia’s student workers delivered an invaluable lesson—one day longer, one day stronger—that you don’t have to have to go to graduate school to understand.
ACT-UP and Win: a riveting account of NYC activism during the AIDS crisis
Sarah Schulman’s recently released political history shines light on AIDS activism that often goes unrecognized.
10th Anniversary Occupy Wall Street: The Rise of Occupy Wall Street–The Movement Moment That Revived The U.S. Left
The idea—that 20,000 people would set up a round-the-clock protest encampment at the foot of Wall Street—had been proposed by Micah White of the Canadian magazine Adbusters without consulting anyone in New York.
America’s unfinished revolution: Where do the George Floyd protests go from here?
It takes but a few minutes for the ruling elite to recast collective calls for an end to state violence against black people into images of the criminality of black protesters and to call for an end to looting.