Thirteen theses of Marxism-Feminism
The theses are a working tool and an insurance at the same time of what we are and where we want to go to, while both the path and the goal are open for joint discussion and thus for change.
A Discussion with John Bellamy Foster – Presenting the 2021 transform! yearbook
A discussion with John Bellamy Foster, one of the world’s leading figures in Marxian ecological theory.
The birth of Marxism in France: Remembering the Paris Commune and Jules Guesde
Guesde (1845-1922) introduced Marxism to France and contributed to building the Socialist Party in the north of the country, where the left, socialism, and then later communism became very strong.
Engels was a bro!
A tribute to Friedrich Engels’ “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” and the groundwork for feminism by the jubilarian.
On robots and sheep
A short introduction to historical materialism and its significance for the understanding of contemporary capitalism.
The robot, unemployment, and immigrants
For every industrial robot introduced into the workforce, six jobs are eliminated. – Since a few days, Amazon has started Amazon Go. The idea is simple: a shop where you go in, take whatever you want from the shelves, and the cost goes automatically to a magnetic card that you carry.
A question of class: A new class politics, a connective antagonism
Inequality is rising, social divisions are becoming more entrenched, social guarantees once taken for granted have yielded to a generalized culture of insecurity and a common fear of decline.