Capitalists want your blood and maybe your kidney and liver, too
Malcolm X famously said, “show me a capitalist and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.” That’s literally true for U.S. capitalism.
The bizarre state of Western democracy
The policies favoured by the ruling class in other words are being pursued despite public opinion being palpably and systematically opposed to them.
From Pan Africanism to Afropessimism: Palestine and the degeneration of Black politics
For decades, most Black political commentary has expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people, but recently, a new phenomenon has appeared, particularly on social media platforms, which accuses all Palestinians of being anti-Black racists, and asserts that aligning with them is either of no use to Black people or even that it is detrimental to our own cause.
Supreme Court millionaires criminalize being homeless
The six justices who voted to criminalize the homeless have a combined net worth of $54 million.
Defending national sovereignty and delinking. A question of class struggle and rights
Global capital through the international finance system has obtained near hegemony and capitalism is projected as the best and most superior system in history.
The class struggle in every commodity: Use value and exchange value
Every year, Pew Research publishes a study on the U.S. population’s political priorities.
Unprecedented inequality in the ‘billionaire raj’
The ‘billionaire raj’ of the reform period has emerged to be far more unequal than the ‘British Raj’.
To best understand inequality, think class, not generation
Our age cohorts don’t tell the full story.
Feeling the pain: Inflation, wages, and the working class
Once again the mainstream press is touting a “blowout” jobs report.
We are all Nicaragua: The sexual diversity community
(Becca Renk has lived in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua, for more than 20 years, working in sustainable community development with the Jubilee House Community and its project, the Center for Development in Central America. Becca coordinates the Casa Benjamin Linder solidarity project in Managua.)
The NYT’s one true subject is the One Percent
From granular coverage of the career triumphs of nepo babies and the goings-on at elite universities, to deep dives about luxury real estate and ritzy goods and services most people have never heard of, it’s clear that the New York Times’ most cherished subject is the One Percent.
Practicing science as class struggle
Tenant Unionism, Public Health, and Radical Science in Connecticut.
Ecological crisis and the role of the working class
The agents of such a holistic revolution to save Mother Earth are not simply the working class in a traditional economic sense, but also the ‘ecological proletariat’, a dedicated army of an ecologically conscious working class, writes Rana Mitra.
Beyond the binary of race and class: A Marxist Humanist perspective
The emergence of a new generation of antiracist activists and theorists seeking to advance an anticapitalist agenda creates a new vantage point of reexamining how racism relates to the logic of capital. This essay explores sources in the work of Marx, twentieth century Marxists, and Frantz Fanon that can provide direction for overcoming the binary of class and race.
The integral crisis in the U.S. and the purity fetish
The United States tells the world and its citizens that it is the greatest country on the planet, where freedom and democracy reign, and where there is an American dream that gives everyone the opportunity to live flourishing “middle class” lives with white-fenced houses and two cars. For the American working masses, however, as the great critical comedian George Carlin noted, “it’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
UNAC Conference: Decolonization and the fight against imperialism
The recent 2024 United National Antiwar Coalition conference brought together an international group of activists from member organizations who organize against imperialism, racism, and neo-liberal policies around the world. BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist Margaret Kimberley delivered these closing remarks.
The anatomy of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’
Words can be highly deceptive; and Hindu rashtra is a perfect example of this.
Central bank independence as class war strategy
Insulated from popular discontent, independent central banks have free reign to undermine workers’ rights and further the neoliberal agenda, argues John Clarke.
Working-class environmentalism and climate justice: The challenge of convergence today
Since the great climate strikes of 2019, and even more so after the acknowledgment of the environmental roots of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ecological transition seems to be everywhere.
The U.S. is witnessing a considerable growth in strike activity
Cornell University’s Labour Action Tracker reports have noted a 77 per cent growth in strikes since 2021.