From nurseries to Nazis: Ukraine’s terrorist radicalization of children
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. — Proverbs 22:6, New King James Version Ukrainian toddler taught to “cut Russians.” The year is 2015. The little Ukrainian girl is wearing a Hello Kitty t-shirt that says “love cat.” She looks to […]
Russian allegations of rampant Nazism in Europe
A couple of weeks before Vladimir Putin announced his ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, he met in the Kremlin with Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Despite the Left’s victories, warning signs of a Fascist backlash appear in Colombia & beyond
The decaying colonial regime in Colombia has reached a crisis. Its people, devastated by corporate destruction of their living standards and a corrupt narco regime which has exacted tremendous brutality upon them, has elected a leftist presidential candidate.
Evgueny Karas, SBU agent and leader of the neo-Nazi group S 14
Among the colorful fauna of Ukrainian neo-Nazism, and as a continuation of my work on the firm establishment of this ideology in Ukraine, here is an investigation into the S 14 group.
How monsters who beat Jews to death in 1944 became America’s favorite “Freedom Fighters” in 1945—with a little help from their friends at CIA (Part 2)
After the end of the Second World War, American intelligence immediately set about the work of rehabilitating the world’s fascists to fight the new war on Communism.
How pre-WW II Ukrainian fascists pioneered brutal terror techniques; later improved by CIA, now ironically taught to descendants (Part 1)
The history of Ukraine is long and rich. For millennia, the fertile lands of Ukraine with their black earth and rich seas have been highly contested.
DHS ‘concerned’ over Nazis returning to U.S. after fighting in Ukraine. Why isn’t the media?
U.S. corporate media has provided glowing coverage to Paul Gray, a notorious American white nationalist fighting in Ukraine. A DHS document warns he’s not the only U.S. fascist drawn to Kiev.
Empire solves Ukraine’s Nazi problem with a logo change
“The Azov Battalion has removed a neo-Nazi symbol from its insignia that has helped perpetuate Russian propaganda about Ukraine being in the grip of far-right nationalism,” The Times informs us.
Bonfires mark 77th anniversary of Zagreb’s liberation from fascism
As official EU marks Europe Day, anti-fascist networks in Croatia remember the liberation of Zagreb from Nazi-allied Ustaša rule.
“One less traitor”: Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition
While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky has outlawed his opposition, ordered his rivals’ arrest, and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents across the country.
Progressives in Greece reject Zelensky’s address to parliament with neo-Nazis
The testimony of the neo-Nazi Azov soldier in Greek parliament following the address of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been widely condemned.
Nazis in Ukraine: seeing through the fog of the information war
On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin undertook what he referred to as a “special military operation … to de-militarise and de-Nazify Ukraine.”
U.S. Congress admits Nazi role in Ukraine
When even the hawkish House of Representatives can’t stomach these Nazi storm troopers who have served as Kiev’s tip of the spear against the ethnic Russian population of eastern Ukraine, what does that say about the honesty and integrity of the New York Times when it finds these same Nazis so admirable?
Kim Philby remembered: A traitor to his class
Kim Philby, born on January 1st, 1912, is one of the best known double agents of the Cold War era.
How do we stop the neocons from starting another disaster in Ukraine
If anything, Washington’s neoconservatives have an unerring instinct for survival.
João Pedro Stedile on Bolsonaro and Brazilian elections in 2022
Brazilian peasant leader João Pedro Stedile discusses the different dimensions of the worst crisis in the country’s recent history, as well as the priorities for movements in 2022.
Biden’s Summit for Democracy: International NGOs express concern that Summit will ignore India’s descent to fascism
Groups extend offer to Biden to provide input to help make the summit a success.
Dossier No. 47: New clothes, old threads: the dangerous right-wing offensive in Latin America
The Western world lives in discontent. Progressive models have failed to maintain the levels of politicisation, mystique, capacity to question, transformative purpose, and possibilities of concrete changes for the masses.
White supremacy, Nazism and fascism R U.S.
Despite many criticisms, white supremacy remains not only well and strong, but is also recognized and hailed by the United States on the world stage as an acceptable and legitimate ideology.
Military knows it looks bad but works with neo-Nazis anyway
The Canadian military seem willing, even eager, to work with neo-Nazis in the Ukraine in order to weaken Russia, something the U.S., NATO and Ukrainian–Canadian groups support.