Engels: How North West England shaped an internationalist
Katherine Connelly outlines how the events and context of their times shaped the partnership and ideas of Marx and Engels.
Mourning Mutulu Shakur and the Black radical tradition that modernized America
The late Mutulu Shakur and other Black radicals were responsible for improving the lives of millions of people in the U.S. The counter revolution ended that period of progress, but the political crisis they created forced systemic change on a grand scale.
What is metabolic rift?
The Ecosocialist idea you’ve never heard of and might need.
The Marxist theory of the state: An introduction
Our understanding of the state lies at the heart of our struggle to create a new society and fundamentally eliminate the oppression, exploitation, war, and environmental destruction characteristic of capitalism.
Dossier no. 66: The world needs a new socialist development theory
Across the world, evidence of human misery is increasingly easy to find. The data collected and reported by international agencies is stunning. Billions of people around the planet lack access to adequate education, healthcare, food, and shelter, as well as information and culture.
Socialism and the city
In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx highlighted that “constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones”.
Levy del Águila Marchena: ‘Communism, Political Power and Personal Freedom in Marx’
Marx diagnosed the oppression of the working class, the alienation of workers from their labor, as well as the alienation of all human beings living within capitalism from their own authentic selves, and proposed that it was objectively possible that emancipation, true liberation, would come one day.
Chinese scholars discuss Engels in Eastbourne
Nearly a hundred professors, experts and scholars from more than 20 universities and research institutions in more than ten countries, including the United Kingdom, China, Germany, the United States, Ireland, Spain, Romania, Denmark, Turkey and India, hold in-depth discussions to commemorate the 175th anniversary of “The Communist Manifesto.”
Habermas and the war in Ukraine
The prevailing rarefied ideological climate that Germany and most European countries are suffering from today makes a very cautious call for prudence and negotiation a criminal offense that deserves to be punished with ostracism.
Learning from the barricade: Marx, Engels and the 1848 June Days uprising
175 years on from the 1848 June Days insurrection, Katherine Connelly explores what Paris’ working-class revolutionaries taught Marx and Engels.
On the dialectics of socialism and western Marxisms’ purity fetish
Gabriel Rockhill “one of my favorite jokes that I’ve heard about the socialist project is the following: socialism looks good on paper, but in reality… you just get invaded by the United States.”
Legendary whistleblower and anti-war activist Daniel Ellsberg passes at 92
The U.S. anti-war movement fondly remembers the former government employee who contributed to the end of the U.S. invasion of Vietnam
Trump charges: why ‘unprecedented’?
“It is hard to overstate the gravity of the criminal indictment”, the New York Times editorial board wrote on 9 June, noting Trump’s “contempt for the rule of law”.
How Ukraine has become a magnet for Western neo-Nazis
The war-torn east European country is a mecca for some of the most odious people on earth. What sort of threat does this pose to their home countries?
Labour’s new bankroller is Israel lobbyist, South African apartheid profiteer
The UK Labour Party’s latest corporate mega-donor is a pro-Israel businessperson whose firm profiteered from South African apartheid.
Replying on ecology and entropy
Stuart Jordan responds to criticism of his article on ecology and entropy in Solidarity 672
Is “de-globalisation” occurring?
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus had said “You cannot step into the same river twice.”
Science and imperialism: Scientists as workers for peace
Imperialism and militarism have always disguised and justified themselves as the defense of freedom.
The U.S. censors Dissenting Voices: On the attacks against the Midwestern Marx Institute
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution says that “Congress shall make no law… Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The Group of Seven should finally be shut down: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2023)
During the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near where the meeting was held.