Digital Money Beyond Blockchain with Rohan Grey
In this episode, we’re joined by Rohan Grey (@rohangrey), President of the Modern Money Network, Director of the National Jobs for All Coalition, Research Fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, and JSD student at Cornell Law school. Our conversation is dedicated to Rohan’s current work on the political, economic, and cultural implications of money’s digital future.
Today, defense of the revolution rests with the media
Víctor Dreke, legendary commander of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, called for those defending the Revolution today to recognize that the battlefield of the 21st century is the media.
Bitcoin’s growth from just being a tech curiosity was driven by popular discontent with banks and banking systems, mainly in the U.S. after 2008.
Why the U.S. shouldn’t play games with cyberwarfare as its power declines
Two major cyberhacks—of ‘SolarWinds’ and ‘Microsoft Exchange Server’—have affected a whole range of computer systems worldwide. Both are supply chain hacks, meaning that they appeared to be routine software upgrades for particular components in these systems instead of inserted malicious codes.
Facebooking While Brown: Indigenous man in Arizona imprisoned for Social Media “shock-talk” about #BLM protest
Reed has been held in federal pretrial detention without bail for ten months after a prior high school acquaintance reported him to the police for a different satirical social media post about planning a protest or ‘riot’ at the courthouse that never actually happened.
Britain and China: Trading sanctions and the new cold war
IAIN DUNCAN SMITH sees the Chinese sanctions applied to him and other politicians yesterday as a “badge of honour.”
As U.S. loses its edge, game of cyber chicken could have deadly consequences
‘…all countries have offensive and defensive capabilities and ‘stealing” data and knowledge from other countries are time-honoured tasks of spook agencies. It becomes an act of war only if it leads to physical damage to critical equipment or infrastructure.’
Trigger words and the duty of revolutionaries in the Internet era
Anti-communist propaganda based on manipulating terms like “democracy,” “human rights” and “freedom” has expanded its repertory with certain expressions about Cuba based on a fabricated image, which are strewn across on the Internet as common knowledge
Biden’s retaliatory cyberattacks against Russia are folly
More importantly, the planned action reflects two very serious errors in judgement, which left unchecked, could increase in scope under the new Biden administration.
Report: U.S. preparing cyberattack against Russia over SolarWinds hack
Sources told The New York Times that the first major actions are expected sometime in the next three weeks.
GameStop and Share Markets: Between the bad and the ugly, there is no G
The recent GameStop story coming out of the U.S. pushed arcane financial dealings into a prominence they rarely enjoy. The public was introduced to weird concepts such as “short selling and short squeezes” and, for a while, they are likely to be part of many Zoom conversations.
Head of Strategic Command: U.S. must prepare for “very real possibility” of nuclear war with China
In an era when international cooperation in the face of pandemics and climate change is essential, the world appears to be racing towards a new Cold War, and unfortunately, few except the military top brass are talking about it.
The pendulum of internet censorship swings leftward again
There has been a purge of left-wing accounts from social media, with socialist organizations being targeted on Facebook and multiple Antifa-associated accounts suspended from Twitter.
Aaron would have been 34 years old
November 8, 2020 would have been Aaron’s 34th birthday, but instead we mourn our friend and wonder what could have been, had he not taken his own life seven years ago after being terrorized by a career-driven prosecutor and U.S. Attorney who decided to just make shit up, make an example out of Aaron, impress their bosses and further their own careers.
U.S. Embassy caught scrubbing Tweets urging Venezuelans not to vote
It is not clear why the embassy decided to go back and delete its posting history, especially as undermining Venezuela’s elections continues to be the official line of the U.S. government.
Should the left care about blockchain technology?
Despite its utopian promises of digital democracy, Thomas Redshaw argues socialists should be wary of embracing blockchain technology.
Establishment journalists are piling on to smear Robert Fisk now he cannot answer back
Something remarkable even by the usually dismal standards of the stenographic media blue-tick brigade has been happening in the past few days.
Freedom Rider: Censorship in the Biden era
The corporate media have joined the incoming administration in deciding what we can and cannot see and hear.
From a wealthy socialite to an Israeli Govt censor, Facebook’s new “Free Speech Court” is anything but independent
Freedom of speech on the Internet is all but extinct, and on the eve of the 2020 U.S. elections, a de facto “free speech court” is going to make sure it never comes back. On Facebook at least.
Digital organizing isn’t as straight forward as it seems
Over the past few years, digital organizing has become the hot new thing in unionization campaigns. Digital mobilization and engagement technologies have become essential to winning.