Subjects Archives: Labor

  • Women Speaking Out on Trade: 2011 Labor Solidarity Delegation to Honduras

      STITCH invites you to join us on a ten-day women’s delegation to Honduras as we assess the impact of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) five years later.  Our labor solidarity delegation to Honduras, PUSHING BACK: WOMEN SPEAK OUT ON TRADE will take place July 27-August 06, 2011. Participants will meet with women […]

  • The Tea Party Creams Labor

      To Tea Partiers and supporters of the Far Right, Madison, Wisconsin has become the latest “Shining City Upon a Hill,” where one of their courageous leaders, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, is waging a heroic battle to tame big government and balance the state’s budget.  American Exceptionalism has always defined liberty as keeping government off […]

  • Statement of Principles and Call for International Trade Union Support for BDS

      Occupied Palestine, 4 May 2011 — In commemoration of the first of May — a day of workers’ struggle and international solidarity — the first Palestinian trade union conference for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel (BDS) was held in Ramallah on 30 April 2011, organized by almost the entirety of the Palestinian trade […]

  • Find A May Day Action Near You

    May Day Toast to the Workers of the World

    Let’s drink a toast to all those farmers, workers, artists and intellectuals of the last 100 years who without thought of fame and profit . . . worked tirelessly in their dream of a worldwide socialist revolution, who believed and hoped that a new world was dawning and that their work would contribute to a […]

  • Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect

    This 2011 edition of “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect” marks the 20th year the AFL-CIO has produced a report on the state of safety and health protections for America’s workers.

    This year is historic for workers’ safety and health. It is the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, where 146 workers — most of them young immigrant women — were killed, trapped behind locked doors with no way to escape. This year is also the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the right of workers to safe jobs.

  • Letter to the International Labor Organization

      Excerpt: We demand that Ali Nejati, Fereydoun Nikoofard, Ghorban Alipour, Mohammad Heydari Mehr, Jalil Mohamadi, and Reza Rakhshan (who are all board members of the Haft Tapeh Trade Union), and Behrooz Nikoofard, another laid-off worker, be returned to work immediately. Full Text: See the letter in Persian: نامه سندیکای کارگران نیشکر هفت تپه به […]

  • Syria: Banias Refinery Workers March for Syria and Bashar

    Could it be that Syrian refinery workers thought it wise to warn imperialists not to descend on Syria to liberate their oil and jobs from them in the name of liberating them from Bashar? — Ed. Tartous, Syria, 29 March 2011 Cf. “Syria is the only significant crude oil producing country in the Eastern Mediterranean […]

  • Ohio Senate Bill 5 to Be Voted on Wednesday — Show Your Opposition at the Statehouse

      Against the strong will of Ohioans, the House Commerce and Labor Committee passed a version of Senate Bill 5 today that goes further in gutting the rights of workers and destroying the working middle class than the bill passed by the Senate. This blatant assault on working families, orchestrated by Gov. Kasich and his […]

  • President of Madison Firefighters after Senate Vote in Wisconsin

      Joe Conway, Madison Fire Fighters Local 311: This is a game changer for everybody here. . . .  They took people’s rights away in a matter of minutes, . . . not playing by any rules at all. The UpTake: We’re hearing people talk about a call for a general strike.  What do you […]

  • Position on Senate Bill 5

      Excerpt: The bill allows an employer to refuse to talk to the union about subjects reserved to the exclusive purview of management and deletes the requirement that the continuation of a current provision of a collective bargaining agreement is a “mandatory subject” of collective bargaining.  Those provisions put the safety of all employees at […]

  • State and Local Government Job Losses a Serious Drag on Weak Job Growth

    The unemployment rate edged down to 8.9 percent in February, as the Labor Department reported that the economy generated 192,000 new jobs.  This number is undoubtedly inflated some by the weather-weakened January performance, when the economy generated just 63,000 jobs.  The unemployment rate has now dropped by 0.9 percentage points in the last three months. […]

  • From Egyptian Workers to American Workers: “We Stand with You as You Stood with Us”

      Kamal Abbas is General Coordinator of the Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services, an umbrella advocacy organization for independent unions in Egypt.  The CTUWS suffered repeated harassment and attack by the Mubarak regime and played a leading role in its overthrow.  Abbas, who witnessed friends killed by the regime during the 1989 Helwan […]

  • Ohio Firefighters against Senate Bill 5

      Testimony before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. Chairman Bacon, Vice Chair Faber, Ranking Member Schiavoni, and all members of the […]

  • Photo from Egypt: “Egypt Supports Wisconsin Workers”

      Muhammad Nusair, 21, is an activist and engineering student in Egypt.  He blogs at <>.  Cf. Muhammad Nusair, “From Tahrir to Wisconsin” (19 February 2011).   var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print  

  • Senate Bill 5 Will Kill Ohio Jobs

      Testimonies of four UFCW members before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Testimony of Mr. Don Watkins on SB 5 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. I […]

  • Ohio State Troopers against Senate Bill 5

      Testimony before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee for giving me the […]

  • Ohio Labor: No on SB5!

    Ohio labor rallies against Senate Bill 5, a job-killing, anti-worker attack on collective bargaining.  “Kill This Bill!” Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio, 17 February 2011 For more information, visit <>.   var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print  

  • Ohio: Stop Senate Bill 5

      Stop Ohio Senate Bill 5.  It’s a job-killing, anti-worker attack on collective bargaining. * * * Update See “Ohio Labor: No on SB5!” (videos of a rally against SB5, Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio, 17 February 2011). For more information, visit <>.   var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print  

  • Puerto Rico: Police Assault Students and Professors Go on Strike

      The Association of Puerto Rican University Professors (APPU) on Wednesday called a 24-hour strike at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), vowing that there will be no classes on Thursday. The decision to strike was made as students held a protest on campus, after a fierce confrontation with riot police in front of the […]

  • Major Work Stoppages (or Dearth Thereof) in 2010

      Excerpt: In 2010, there were 11 major strikes and lockouts involving 1,000 or more workers and lasting at least one shift, the second lowest annual total since the major work stoppages series began in 1947, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.  The series low for major work stoppages beginning in a calendar […]