Subjects Archives: Media

  • Freedom Dance: A Party and Benefit for the Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign

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  • Honduras

      Gervasio Umpiérrez is a cartoonist based in Montevideo, Uruguay.

  • South of the Border

      President Hugo Chavez at the Venice Film Festival Chávez asiste a la proyección del documental Al Sur de la Frontera en Venecia Chávez: Sólo la unión nos hará libres y humanos, verdaderamente humanos Trailer of South of the Border (Directed by Oliver Stone)

  • Back to the Future: The Arab Nationalist Tradition and the Political Imagination of Today

      The Arab and Muslim world is indeed in crisis.  This crisis, however, may give us a new opportunity to reclaim our fate from foreign powers, local autocrats, and religious fanatics.  To do so, we can benefit from recuperating the best elements from our great tradition of Arab nationalism. Under the banner of “Arab nationalism,” […]

  • Eyewitness Honduras: Resistance to the Coup D’état

      Shaun Joseph of the International Socialist Organization and Providence City Councilman Miguel Luna report back on the resistance to the coup in Honduras. Honduras video and photos by Shaun Joseph.  Filmed by Paul Hubbard at the Open Table of Christ Church in Providence, RI, on 19 August 2009.

  • Prison Poems

      A Comrade’s Paper Blanket New books, old books, the leaves all piled together. A paper blanket is better than no blanket. You who sleep like princes, sheltered from the cold, Do you know how many men in prison cannot sleep all night? Autumn Night Before the gate, a guard with a rifle on his […]

  • The Soldier and the Road

      Nahid Ghobadi has directed five short films (Closed Circle, First Journey, Build Our Homeland, Last Fever, and A Simple Excuse for Happiness).  She was Script Supervisor of Turtles Can Fly, Assistant Director of Marooned in Iraq, and Co-editor of Half Moon.  She is also a published poet.  This film, released in 2008, was written, […]

  • Money

      “Children are dying, spies and spying, Refugees are fleeing, politicians are lying, And deals are done and webs are spun, Laws keep the third world on the run.” Click here to download “Money” in MP3. Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah, born and raised in Birmingham, England, is a poet.  Rejecting the appointment as an officer […]

  • Abd el-Hadi Fights a Superpower

      In his life he neither wrote nor read. In his life he didn’t cut down a single tree, didn’t slit the throat of a single calf. In his life he did not speak of the New York Times behind its back, didn’t raise his voice to a soul except in his saying: “Come in, […]

  • What Is Cosmopolitanism?

      Chris Rumford, ed. Cosmopolitanism and Europe.  Studies in Social and Political Thought.  Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007.  272 pp.  $85.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-84631-046-1; $30.00 (paper), ISBN 978-1-84631-047-8. Rebecca L. Walkowitz.  Cosmopolitan Style: Modernism Beyond the Nation.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.  248 pp.  $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-231-13750-8. These two explorations of cosmopolitanism from quite […]

  • The “Cosmopolitan Century”: European Re-Membering

      Natan Sznaider.  Gedächtnisraum Europa: Die Visionen des europäischen Kosmopolitismus; eine jüdische Perspektive.   Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2008.  153 pp.  EUR 16.90 (paper), ISBN 978-3-89942-692-2. As Europe moves into the twenty-first century, its search for a shared identity continues to occupy academic journals, the feuilleton pages, and Eurocrats eager to underwrite a by-and-large successful administrative […]

  • My Home of the Last Seven Millennia

      “As we joke about this accident, I feel refreshed to be back in Tehran.  Things are always going wrong here, but, at the same time, there is a network of people ready to volunteer to help.” — Sabereh Kashi Sabereh Kashi started her career as a journalist and film critic in Iran.  She made […]

  • Elections in Afghanistan

      “Light!  Camera!  Action!“ Gervasio Umpiérrez is a cartoonist based in Montevideo, Uruguay.  This cartoon was featured on the home page of Rebelión on 22 August 2009.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]

  • Night

    شب / Night Majid Naficy was born in Esfahan, Iran in 1952.  His first wife Ezzat Tabaian and his brother Sa’id were executed after the revolution.  He fled Iran in 1983, eventually settling in Los Angeles with his son Azad.  This video was brought online by the Translation Project on 17 July 2007.  This poem — […]

  • Dear Shahid,

    I am writing to you from your far-off country. Far even from us who live here. Where you no longer are. Everyone carries his address in his pocket so that at least his body will reach home.

    Rumors break on their way to us in the city. But word still reaches us from border towns: Men are forced to stand barefoot in snow waters all night. The women are alone inside. Soldiers smash radios and televisions. With bare hands they tear our houses to pieces.

  • A Simple Question about Israel

      On 2 August 2009, after cordoning off part of the Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in east Jerusalem, Israeli police evicted two Palestinian families (more than 50 people) from their homes; Jewish settlers immediately moved into the emptied houses.  Although Israeli police cited a ruling by the country’s supreme court, the evicted Arab families […]

  • Biyaa / Come On!

    Come on, you too, once and for all,
    Join the band of lovers and see what happens!
    Come on, you too, once and for all,
    Join the band of lovers and see what happens!

  • No American Money for Israeli Settlements

      For many years, various American governments have called on Israel to stop the expansion of settlements, but Israel has consistently ignored this demand.  The Obama administration has been the most vocal administration so far in articulation of this demand.  Yet unfortunately a number of American individuals and institutions have provided large quantities of material […]

  • I Did What My Heart Told Me to Do

      This is not the first time that I stand trial for my beliefs.  But it is the first time that they will probably be able to stop me. I always knew that many people silently supported me, and that if I ever got into trouble they would stand behind me.  This moment has come. […]

  • I Confess

      اعتراف می کنم Mana Neyestani, born in Tehran in 1973, is an Iranian cartoonist.  He is Azeri himself, but his 12 May 2006 cartoon depicting a cockroach that appeared to speak in Azeri led to riots of Azeris in Iran, which in turn got him arrested.  A collection of his cartoons commenting on the […]