Standing up to Fox News
Despite shifting political climate, media reformers press forward with Fox News TV license challenge.
The U.S. saw just half of the number of strikes in 2024 as Canada
This past week, the School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) at Cornell University once again released the annual report of its Labor Action Tracker (LAT), which records all strikes and lockouts in the United States.
Yes, Ukraine started the war
The outcry spread quickly across the Western world: Donald Trump dared say Ukraine started the war.
Israel pushes new atrocity narrative just as ceasefire deadline approaches
A new narrative is being aggressively pushed by Israel and its apologists to justify resuming the Gaza genocide, conveniently just as an important deadline for ceasefire negotiations draws near.
Descendents of Cacique Ähuänumä: The 4F Huo̧ttö̧ja̧ Commune (Part I)
An Indigenous commune in the Venezuelan Amazon that builds on Huo̧ttö̧ja̧ and other traditions.
Zelenski has yet to eat the shit sandwich
The Trump administration is increasing its pressure on Ukraine’s (former) president Zelenski to swallow the shit sandwich.
Every accusation is a confession
Admiral Alvin Hosley demonstrated selective outrage over the fear of multipolarity in the Western Hemisphere.
Canadian political prisoner, Yves Engler
On dozens of occasions I’ve responded to Kurtz’ racist, violent anti-Palestinian posts on X. Six weeks ago I wrote an article..
The worldwide assault on working people
The official hope is that the workers’ bargaining strength gets sufficiently lowered by having greater unemployment so that they cannot bargain for higher money wages to compensate for the price-rise, because of which inflation would eventually peter out.
F*ck Big Book
The ‘Big Five’ publishing houses wield enormous global power, controlling 80% of the English-language trade publishing market.
Malcolm X Presente!
On a cold New York afternoon in Harlem February 21, 1965, “Don’t Do it,” were the last words that the world heard from the voice of El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, better known as Malcolm X, before the assassins opened fire with a barrage of bullets that would take Malcolm away from us physically.
NYC real estate expo promoting sale of ‘stolen land’ in Palestine descends into violence
Real estate event organized by company promoting land sales in illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank turns violent.
‘They’re trying to make us afraid’: Israel police targets Palestinian bookstores in Jerusalem
The arrest of a well-known Palestinian bookstore’s co-owner was part of a pattern of raids and repression, booksellers say.
We want to build communities of readers, not turn readers into commodities: The Eighth Newsletter (2025)
Literacy gives us the power to build a collective life–it allows us to see our history with clarity, be critical of our present, and demand the impossible of the future.
A prayer for Leonard Peltier
Indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier finally returns home today. In the last moments of his presidency, Joe Biden commuted his two consecutive life sentences to home confinement.
Time to think beyond ‘worthless’ free trade agreements
“Why should we feel constrained by a free trade agreement?”
Disappearing climate science
It was clear during the U.S. presidential election campaign that if re-elected Donald Trump would be no friend to the environment. The assault on climate science and action began immediately.
AI for the people? How China’s AI development challenges U.S. big tech
The following text is based on a talk given by Gary Wilson at the “Deep Seek and the Challenge to U.S. Technological Hegemony” webinar on Feb. 16, hosted by the Friends of Socialist China and the International Manifesto Group.
What is a ‘multipolar’ world? China says equality; Trump & Marco Rubio say imperial rivalry
What is the meaning of “multipolarity”? Donald Trump and Marco Rubio say “great power competition” with imperial spheres of influence. China and much of the Global South have an anti-imperialist view: “equality among all countries regardless of size”.
Laughter and fears: Berlin Bulletin No. 231, February 18, 2025
For good people these are times to weep, rage and, above all, to fight back!