Subjects Archives: Movements

  • “A Military Strike at Iran Would Be a Colossal Mistake”: An Interview with Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary Vladimir Nazarov

      White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said last week that Iran’s latest statements and actions were compelling the United States “. . . and other countries” to resort to stiff sanctions.  Russian Security Council Deputy Secretary Vladimir Nazarov said in his turn that Moscow might support sanctions but that they must be “adequate to […]

  • How Credible Is Human Rights Watch on Cuba?

      In late 2009 the New York-based group Human Rights Watch published a report titled New Castro, Same Cuba.  Based on the testimony of former prisoners, the report systematically condemns the Cuban government as an “abusive” regime that uses its “repressive machinery . . . draconian laws and sham trials to incarcerate scores more who […]

  • Iran: The Islamic Revolution Defeats Western Hopes for Regime Change

    . . . and Hashemi’s hopes for a palace coup. Iran Celebrates the 31st Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution   Green Wave* Ebbs Isfahan Tehran   *   For the social and political character of the Green Wave, consult Iran’s Last Marxist Nasser Zarafshan: Setareh Derakhshesh, “Interview with Dr. Nasser Zarafshan and Farrokh Negahdar” (VOA Persian, […]

  • Seema Is a Human Rights Worker, Not a “Naxali”: Letter to the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

      Seema Azad, editor of the left-wing journal DASTAK published from Allahabad, was taken into custody by the police Saturday, 6th February, soon after she alighted from the train on her return from the Book Fair at Delhi.  She, along with her husband and left-wing activist Vishwa Vijaya Azad, has been detained at the Khuldabad […]

  • Violent Student Groups in Venezuela Coordinate Actions with the “Democratic Unity” Opposition Coalition

      Many of the students involved belong to the youth divisions of the different political parties from the opposition.  Since 2005, US government funding has gone towards training and advising youth leaders and student movements enabling them to enter the political arena. Many question whether the recent student protests against the Chavez Administration in Venezuela […]

  • The Bolivarian Revolution and the Caribbean

    I liked history, as most boys do. Wars as well, a culture that society sowed in male children. All the toys offered us were weapons. In my childhood they sent me to a city where I was never taken to a movie theater. Television did not exist then, and there was no radio in the […]

  • Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in USA

    In 1983, the strategy of overthrowing inconvenient governments and calling it “democracy promotion” was born. Through the creation of a series of quasi-private “foundations”, such as Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute (NDI), Freedom House and later the International Center for Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC), Washington […]

  • We Do Not Want Any “Market of Knowledge”! Call for a European Mobilisation against the Lisbon Strategy in Higher Education and Research

      In march 2010, the spring summit of the heads of state and governments of the European union will mark the 10 years of the Lisbon strategy, which frames the policies currently engaged in the Member States so as to “modernise” the national research and education system (primary, secondary and higher education, lifelong learning). The […]

  • Counterrevolutionary Students of Venezuela Send “Solidarity Message” to Iranian Students

    The following message, published on Rod’s Blog / El Blog de Roderick Navarro on 7 January 2010, has been posted on numerous Web sites (especially in Persian translation) supporting the Green Wave in Iran, such as , , , .  Are Green Wave supporters who have welcomed this message aware of the character of the […]

  • Turkey on the Streets for Tekel Workers

      Tens of thousands of people used their right not to work for one day and supported the struggle of the Tekel workers in a general strike.  For Türk-İş President Kumlu it was a successful protest action withstanding the pressure of officials and employers. Turkish Confederation of Labour Unions (Türk-İş) President Mustafa Kumlu reckoned the […]

  • Zionism Laid Bare

      The essential point of M. Shahid Alam‘s book, Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism, comes clear upon opening the book to the inscription in the frontispiece.  From the Persian poet and philosopher Rumi, the quote reads, “You have the light, but you have no humanity.  Seek humanity, for that is the goal.”  Alam, […]

  • Vietnamese Daughters in Transition: Factory Work and Family Relations

      This paper assesses the social implications of employment opportunities in manufacturing for rural young unmarried Vietnamese women.  Interested in the ways in which intimate relations, identities and structures of exchange within the family are reconfigured through the migration and work experience, we interview young, single daughters who had obtained employment as garment factory workers […]

  • Republicans Sell Soul to Pat Robertson

    (PU) In an oak-paneled conference room somewhere in Manhattan’s Goldman Sachs building, the Republican National Committee today signed over its soul to the Reverend Pat Robertson. “They had a soul?” asked a reporter at a press conference shortly after the signing.  “Oh yes,” explained RNC chairman Michael Steele.  “You see, the legal reality of corporate […]

  • Honduran Resistance in the Streets of Tegucigalpa

      Hundreds of thousands of Hondurans took to the streets on Wednesday, January 27 to protest the inauguration of Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo Soza.  Lobo was the victor in fraudulent elections held last November and his new regime is seen by the Honduran resistance as a continuation and consolidation of the coup regime that first came […]

  • Hatoyama to Nanjing, Hu to Hiroshima?  The New Face of China-Japan Relations

      With the world economy’s center of gravity shifting from the West to the East, led by China’s rising economic and corresponding political power, the year 2010 may witness a series of epoch-making events in Asia. 日中首脳会談、「友愛」で外交デビュー Hatoyama (left) and Hu, 22 September 2009 A grand rapprochement between Japan and China could be one such […]

  • Repression in Honduras

      About Repression in Honduras by Jeremy John This powerful video was made by César Silva, a publicist who before the coup in Honduras worked for Channel 8, the State Television Channel.  He made this video in collaboration with Edwin Renán Fajardo Argueta.  Once the coup happened, and Channel 8 was no longer directed by […]

  • The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village

    Dongping Han’s talk is preceded by Reiko Redmond’s and Raymond Lotta’s introductions. Dongping Han: I am not just going to talk about my book.  I’ll tell you my love story.  When I teach in the classroom and tell my students that it’s possible for people to work together, to solve their problems, to improve their […]

  • The Future of Islam and Democracy in Iran

    Despite the systematic efforts of many commentators and media outlets to represent what is happening in Iran as a wholesale revolt against everything the Islamic Republic stands for, a sober analysis reveals that we are witnessing the renegotiation of political power in the country.  The protagonists represent different wings within the system; the contours of […]

  • Honduras: Massive Demonstration as Lobo Takes Power

      27 January — De facto President Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo took power today as the international business press suggested that the coup had finally triumphed over the resistance or at the least the crisis is over.  Meanwhile, despite the ongoing human rights crisis of kidnapping, murder, and intimidation, hundreds of thousands of Hondurans of all […]

  • The Making of Japan’s New Working Class: “Freeters” and the Progression from Middle School to the Labor Market

      This article is a modified and developed version of a chapter from Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Socialization and Strategies, edited by Ishida Hiroshi and David H. Slater, Routledge, 2009.  For a brief outline of the book’s arguments, please see <>. Introduction: The “New Working Class” of Urban Japan Tomo was a first-year […]