Three women, three perspectives on the division in MAS
In “the street”, in friends’ meetings, in the press… everywhere the population wonders about the veracity, depth and state of the division within the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS).
Redefining net zero will not stop global warming
In a new study, led by the University of Oxford’s Department of Physics and published today (18 November) in Nature, an international group of authors who developed the science behind net zero demonstrate that relying on ‘natural carbon sinks’ like forests and oceans to offset ongoing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use will not actually stop global warming.
Colonialism: A cancer that must be eradicated in the Twenty-First Century
Presentation at the International Symposium “Decolonization and Cooperation in the Global South”
Venezuelans debate 30-year plan for popular Democracy in historic Bloc Congress
President Maduro called to “shake the foundations of the Venezuelan bourgeois state […] and build a communal, democratic state of the people.”
CIA Democrats and other Party hawks win races in 2024 election
They embody a party that crossed over to the dark side years ago.
Canada promises climate reparations at COP29 while courting Big Oil at home
With spotlight on politicians and their pledges in Baku, fossil fuel lobbyists are racking up private meetings with Trudeau’s government.
Yulia Skripal reveals the biggest secret of all at Novichok show trial-The attack was a British operation, not a Russian one
Yulia Skripal communicated from her bedside at Salisbury District Hospital on March 8, 2018, four days after she and her father Sergei Skripal collapsed from a poison attack, that the attacker used a spray; and that the attack took place when she and her father were eating at a restaurant just minutes before their collapse on a bench outside.
Trump’s racist, sexist, anti-science, anti-trans cabinet: A declaration of war on the working class
Donald Trump’s cabinet picks are a declaration of war against the entire working class. These choices are a domestic version of the Pentagon’s “shock and awe” invasion tactics and are meant to smash any opposition.
How Trump will seek revenge on the Press
The infamous Project 2025, a conservative policy agenda many see as a blueprint for the second Trump term, calls for the end to public broadcasting, because it is viewed as liberal propaganda.
Netflix removes Palestinian stories from its library
The streaming giant’s move has sparked criticism from entertainment workers and activists.
No thanks to these 52 Dems, House defeats Bill enabling Trump assault on nonprofits
“Every single Democrat who voted for this is not taking the threat of Trump remotely seriously and should be disqualified from any leadership positions moving forward,” said Georgia State Rep. Ruwa Romman.
Israeli drones shooting children in Gaza deliberately ‘day after day’, UK surgeon tells MPs
Nizam Mamode, a retired NHS doctor who recently returned after working at Nasser Hospital, said he had ‘never seen anything on this scale ever.’
Putin approves supply of 80,000 tons of fuel to Cuba
Russia has announced a $60 million diesel shipment to Cuba during bilateral meeting in Havana.
Rising from the Ashes of the Blockade: The Río Cataniapo Commune (Part III)
How an Indigenous commune in the Venezuelan Amazon has resisted the U.S. blockade.
The incoming Trump Administration is already filling up with war sluts
This should dash the hopes of Trump supporters everywhere that this time their guy really will end the wars and drain the swamp.
We don’t want our Islands to be used to kill people: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
Across the Pacific, Indigenous communities lead a growing wave of sovereignty against ongoing legacies of Western colonialism in the region, from the assault on Māori rights in Aotearoa to the US and French military presence in wider Oceania.
How an obscure Michigan State professor who worked for the CIA played a leading role in facilitating U.S. intervention in Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam’s premier from 1954 to 1963, was a Cold War version of Volodymyr Zelensky, an American-subsidized ruler who was fawned upon by leading U.S. politicians and the U.S. media despite causing the ruin of his own country.
The EU must change course on Ukraine, or risk breaking itself apart
The EU seems convinced to not only continue, but to increase its effort to escalate the war in Ukraine. No one seems to be able to understand the consequences.
The evil warmongering Zionist won (no not that one, the other one)
Turns out campaigning on the promise of continuing a genocide while courting endorsements from war criminals like Dick Cheney is not a great way to get progressives to vote for you.
Is “lawfare” at work in the U.S.?
Simply put, lawfare is war by other means that achieves conquest using laws and judges instead of bombs and bullets.