The far Right’s manufactured meaning of Critical Race Theory
Right-wing commentators claim to know what CRT is, while showing no interest in engaging with its ideas, and only very rarely quote the words of its proponents.
The two big lies of WSJ’s attack on critical race theory
The Wall Street Journal editorial board (7/7/21) recently condemned teachers’ support for anti-racist curricula and professional development.
I’ve been a critical race theorist for 30 years. Our opponents are just proving our point for us
Seemingly overnight, my obscure legal specialty became a national lightning rod. What would CRT say about that?
Critical Race Theory debacle signals the collapse of the American empire
Whatever the strengths and limitations of Critical Race Theory, the debate over its usefulness to establishment circles is indicative of the American Empire’s rapid decline
The War on Critical Race theory
Turning a blind eye to the realities of racial injustice, the highly orchestrated right-wing attacks cast a body of scholarship about race in the law as a great threat to American society.