Chávez and the February 4, 1992, uprising established the ‘Day of Dignity’ in Venezuela
February 4, 2025 marked the thirty-third anniversary of the attempted seizure of power by Hugo Chávez in Venezuela.
Chávez, spirituality and celebration: A conversation with Joel Suárez (Part II)
A theologian from Cuba’s Martin Luther King Center talks about how Chávez celebrated life.
Venezuela today: Revolution and elections
In light of recent imperialist aggressions, Chris Gilbert reflects on the challenges and complexities of using elections as a tool for socialist construction.
Managers of chaos in Venezuela
An interview with Cuban journalist and researcher Raúl Antonio Capote, former double agent who infiltrated the CIA and author of the book “Guarimbas. Los gestores del caos” (Guarimbas. The managers of chaos)
ExxonMobil wants to start a war in Latin America
It is clear that the Venezuelans who came to cast their vote on December 3 in a referendum on the Essequibo region saw this less as a conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and more as a conflict between ExxonMobil and the people of these two Latin American countries
‘Clear as the full Moon’: The revolution will not be defeated
Who doesn’t remember when Chávez announced on national television that Maduro should be the candidate to succeed him in case he died? It was December 8, 2012, and this was the first time he talked about dying, at least in public, and the first time we wondered if our revolutionary process could really continue without him.
Chávez, UNASUR and the end of unipolarity: A conversation with Judith Valencia
The Venezuelan researcher offers her reflections on Chávez’s geopolitics and the reactivation of the Union of South American Nations.
Chávez built a new economy: A conversation with Tony Boza (Part I)
An economist and National Assembly member reflects on the economic transformations that Chávez promoted.
What is the future of Venezuela’s communes?
The challenges facing the communes intensified after Hugo Chávez’s death in 2013.
Commune or nothing! Venezuela’s transition to socialism
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez defined communes as the key blocks to building socialism from the bottom up.
Hugo Chávez’s ideas are being recycled by Latin America’s ‘new progressivism’
A spectre is haunting Latin America: the ideas of Hugo Chávez. A “new progressivism” is adopting them as their banner and claiming them as their own, thus invisibilizing Venezuela’s role in attempts at promoting regional integration and sovereignty over the last two decades.
A milestone: Venezuela’s Communard Union stages its Foundational Congress
Chris Gilbert looks at an emergent grassroots movement in Venezuela, as it attempts to build autonomous popular power in a complex relationship with the state.
Radical Land Reform in Venezuela: A Conversation with Juan Carlos Loyo (Part I)
Chávez’s agriculture minister talks about the revolutionary changes in land tenure that took place under the former president.
Chávez the Radical XXVII: ‘Beware of a Bolivarian Oligarchy!’
In this episode of “Chávez the Radical,” Chávez stresses that a new oligarchy cannot emerge from revolutionary ranks.
How to Reactivate Chavismo
Recovering the socialist character of Chavismo in Venezuela depends on activating its latent revolutionary component. This, in turn, hinges on re-encountering the aspiration toward substantive democracy and communal control of production that was once more present in the movement.
Venezuela’s embarrassment of riches?
Letting the law of capitalist value govern society makes building socialism almost impossible because, even if the general guidelines of capitalist value seem to be acceptable, all it takes is for the market to plunge for you to lose your bearings entirely.