Amazonian Huo̧ttö̧ja̧ People and the Bolivarian process: Río Cataniapo Commune (Part II)
A Huo̧ttö̧ja̧ community in the Venezuelan Amazon discusses their culture and organization as well as the Indigenous peoples’ rights established in the 1999 constitution.
California law mandates that public school children be taught about State’s genocide of Indigenous Peoples
From the time the Europeans arrived on American shores, the U.S. government authorized more than 1,500 wars and attacks on Indigenous people and at the conclusion of the “Indian wars” in the late 19th century, of the estimated 10 million to 15 million native peoples, fewer than 238,000 remained.
The Commune, a living tradition for Pumé people in Venezuela
Coporo Indigena is an Indigenous community in Apure state that has resisted settler violence, displacement from their land… and now the U.S. blockade.
Indigenous women in Greenland sue Denmark over involuntary contraception
Greenland, part of Denmark, was a colony until 1953, after which it became a province of the Scandinavian country.
The Kit Carson obelisk: Santa Fe’s cult like worship of a genocidal human trafficker and murderer
Historical analysis and context of the Kit Carson obelisk that was once again toppled in so-called Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Another Young Ecuadorian Dies During National Strike
“It is worrying how military and police violence has escalated against those who exercise their right to protest and resist,” said the Alliance of Ecuadorian Human Rights Organizations.
Leonard Peltier has COVID-19: Action needed to get him care
Indigenous activists and supporters held a news conference in Tampa, Florida, on Jan. 31 to announce that Indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier had contracted COVID-19 in prison, endangering his life.
Revolutionary socialism is the primary political ideology of The Red Nation
This position paper of the Third General Assembly formally adopts revolutionary socialism and liberation as the primary political ideology of The Red Nation.
Genocide In Canada: mass grave of Indian children found
A Catholic Church-run residential school for indigenous children was an extermination camp. It operated until 1978.