A Massive Quantity of Rare and Exclusive Material of Exceptional Quality
This is a large box set of 4 disks, each with 340 minutes. The editing has been done. I am looking for total donations $4,000 to help pay for the color and sound correction and the making of the menu. The work will be done shortly. There are 12 hours of moving images and audio plus an extensive number of photos and PDFs. See below for a list of the chapters in the DVD.
Everyone who donates $50.00 or more will receive a copy of the DVD. All donations made out to Green Valley Media are tax deductible. Please mail donations tome.
Roz Payne
PO Box 164
Richmond, Vermont 005477
[email protected]
802 434 3172
Chapters of DVD
Newsreel Films
- Off The Pigs [13:00]
- Mayday [13:00]
- Repression [13:00]
Newsreel Interviews (Newsreel members talking about making the films, working with the Panthers, and Newsreel)
- The Falk Family [NY and Boston Newsreel]
- Cindy Fitzpatrick [LA Newsreel distributor]
- Dozie and Gay [SF and NY Newsreel]
- Gail Dolgin [NY and SF Newsreel]
- Marilyn Buck [SF Newsreel, filmed in prison]
- Roz Payne (with John and Jane) [founding members, NY Newsreel and Vermont NR distribution]
Excerpts from the Wheelock Academic conference on the Black Panthers
- Young Lords [Audio Only]
- Huey and Gay Liberation [Audio Only]
- Ahmed Rahman [Audio Only]
- Wheelock Conversation: an extended conversation between academics, Panthers, and academic Panthers about a multitude of issues including violence and self-defense, specific local chapters, and historiography
- Roz’s Paper on Agent WAC, the case agent who opened the original files on the BPP, and ensuing conversation
Excerpts from the BPP 35th Reunion
- Reunion Intro
- Althea
- Jericho Prison Movement
- Jericho Table
- Kathleen on the East-West Split and COINTELPRO
- Louisiana Woman 2: New Orleans shoot-out at Panther HQ
- Orange Shirt: effects of the split on the lower echelon and panther imprisonment
- Bigman [Audio Only]
- Bob Boyle: COINTELPRO [Audio Only]
- Bob Boyle 2: COINTELPRO
- Akua Njeri: the widow of Fred Hampton describes his assassination
- Gail Shaw: Panther clinic and support work
- Louisiana Woman [Audio Only]
- Philly Chapter [Audio Only]
- Reparations [Audio Only]
- Safiya Bukhari: Prisoners [Audio Only]
- Bobby Seale [Audio Only]
- Kathleen Cleaver Dinner: the Panthers 35 Years Reunion
Movement Lawyers Tell Stories about BPP Legal Cases
- Liz Fink, includes discussion of Martin Sostre, Attica, and winning Dhoruba bin Wahad’s freedom
- Bob Boyle: Dhoruba and Panther prisoners
- Bob Bloom: Panther 21 and Geronimo
- Jessie Berman: BLA and other legal cases
- Beverly Axelrod: Movement Lawyer: Got Cleaver out of jail, Panthers, Soul on Ice, and AIM
- Jerry Lefcourt: Panther 21
The FBI Special Agents
- FBI Agent Westley A. Swearingen: testified in court to get release of 350,000 FBI documents on Panthers in the case of Dhoruba bin Wahad. One of the only interviews he has given
- Special FBI Agent WAC: Original case agent on the BPP, opened case on the BPP, wrote THE semi-monthly reports with special sections including racist and sexist gossip. This is the only interview with this FBI agent.
DC and Marty Kenner
- Donald Cox: Original Field Marshall, in charge of military training, now in exile in France, wanted on charges in the US.
- A Cup of Coffee with Marty Kenner: Huey confidante and chief Panther fundraiser
Additional Scanned Material:
- Roz’s Photos
- Other photographs (including Steven Shames and David Fenton)
- FBI Cartoons (COINTELPRO defamation of Panthers)
- Best of FBI Docs
- WAC’s report to the Church Committee
- BPP Newspaper excerpts
- Movement Papers (leaflets, posters, small press, other propaganda excerpts)
There are many important stories missing. I hope someone will make a DVD of “the rest of the story.”