I Just Sent a Check to MRZine — and Why You Should, Too

I just got out my checkbook and wrote a check to MRZine.  Mine was for $100.  That’s twice as much as I gave last year at this time.  And I want you to do the same thing.  Make the check for more than that if you are able to.  Or, if writing checks is not your style, go on-line and make a contribution using the PayPal feature.  But — one way or the other — please make a contribution to MRZine right now.

We need MRZine.  It takes money to keep MRZine going.   As a “free” service —  free to those reading it and contributing to it, that is — MRZine, together with Monthly Review, gets something on the order of three quarters of a million pageviews per month!  If that’s not worth supporting, I don’t know what is.

MRZine is carrying the tradition and commitment of Monthly Review into a new realm.  Home-grown authors, reporters, and commentators have been welcomed in its constantly changing pages.  MRZine, like its sponsor Monthly Review, also offers an invaluable outlet for the articles and analysis from hundreds of authors from around the world as well.

Many of our longtime left-wing veterans and old-timers have passed from the scene.  The generation from the 1930s radicalization is dwindling rapidly, as time takes its toll.  For those of us who continue to do the best we can to take their places in the front lines of the class struggle, we now bear the responsibility of supporting our movement and its publications.

I was first introduced to the Monthly Review magazine as a young worker of 18, back when I had to scrape up enough money from my miserable salary to buy a money order for a Monthly Review mail subscription.  Many young workers and students now find MRZine and Monthly Review on the web — but no money order is required. It’s a great thing that new readers can find and make use of this incredible resource, but we still need to find ways to finance and sustain this ongoing project.

I live in a very expensive city that puts many demands on my modest income.  In spite of that, I am sending $100 to MRZine because it is my responsibility.  It’s my responsibility to support MRZine and Monthly Review.  It’s yours, too.  It’s a responsibility that belongs to all of us.

To donate by credit card on the phone, call toll-free:

You can also donate by clicking on the PayPal logo below:

Donate Today!

If you would rather donate via check, please make it out to the Monthly Review Foundation and mail it to:

Monthly Review
146 W. 29th St., #6W
New York, NY 10001

Donations are tax deductible. Thank you!

Chris Townsend is Political Action Director for the United Electrical Workers Union (UE) in Washington, D.C.

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