Straight from the Billionaire’s Mouth
Social critics, from Ida B. Wells to Noam Chomsky, recognize that the elite press can serve as the best tool against the elite. Today’s business magazines have no problem “naming the system,” and they write with clarity and frankness on the inner workings of capitalism and imperialism. My good friend and correspondent Skip recently sent […]
Why U.S. Trade Unionists Should Attend the U.S. Social Forum
Trade Unions and Social Forums Since 2001, trade unions and other social movements, ranging from environmentalists to women’s organizations, from urban youth movements to indigenous peoples fighting for land rights, have come together at the World Social Forum (WSF) to debate and promote alternatives to the race-to-the-bottom, corporate model of globalization. While participation from U.S. […]
Adirondack Drive
It had snowed the night before. It was a cold spring day, and we were headed up the NY Northway from Troy to Plattsburg for a college interview for my son. The sun was making fitful attempts to come out from behind the snow clouds. When we passed out of the morning traffic coming down […]
Human Development and Practice
Opening comments at Conference on Participation, Change, and Human Development at the Centro Internacional Miranda in Caracas, Venezuela on 27 March 2007 The Bolivarian Constitution, in my view, is unique in its explicit recognition (in Article 299) that the goal of a human society must be that of “ensuring overall human development.” From the declaration […]
Deir Yassin Remembered
On 9 April 1948, the Irgun and the Stern Gang, with the approval of the Haganah, attacked Deir Yassin, a village of about 750 Palestinians, located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Over 100 men, women, and children were massacred, and 53 orphaned children were left along the wall of the Old City. The Deir Yassin […]
Soha Béchara, Ex-Lebanese Militant, Attacked by the Swiss Far Right [Soha Béchara, ex-militante libanaise, en butte à l’extrême droite suisse]
Soha Béchara, 39 ans, est une figure emblématique de la résistance à l’occupation israélienne dans le Liban sud. Cette ex-militante communiste a été emprisonnée durant dix ans, sans jugement, dans la prison de Khiam, après avoir tenté d’assassiner, en novembre 1988, en pleine guerre, le général Antoine Lahad, chef de l’Armée du Liban sud (ALS), […]
Neoliberalism and Canada’s Ruling Class
For a discipline explicitly engaged in the study of power, particularly as exercised in liberal democracies, it is striking how little Canadian political science has actually examined the concentration of private economic power, the political organization of the business classes and the extension of that power into the political realm. Indeed, Canadian political science has […]
Ten Lashes against Humanism [Diez azotes contra el humanismo]
Una tradición menor del pensamiento conservador es la definición del adversario dialéctico por su falta de moral y por sus deficiencias mentales. Como esto nunca llega a ser un argumento, se encubre el exabrupto con algún razonamiento fragmentado y repetido, propio del pensamiento posmoderno de la propaganda política. No es casualidad que en América Latina […]
Wynton Marsalis Checks In on The Land That Never Has Been Yet: A Review of From the Plantation to the Penitentiary (Blue Note, 2007)
I’ve been listening to Wynton Marsalis’ new disc From the Plantation to the Penitentiary a lot. It’s got the music — a neat jazz combo running through a variety of styles. It’s just enough bop and bebop so it doesn’t put one to sleep like a Kenny G. solo, but it’s not an avalanche of […]
Regarding “The New SDS”
The following is Bernardine Dohrn’s letter to The Nation regarding Christopher Phelps’ “The New SDS“ published in its 16 April 2007 issue. — Ed. The Nation Chicago Christopher Phelps has written a timely but ultimately disappointing article about the vibrant and growing student movement. He transforms the tough challenges of movement-building into a set of […]
The Internationalization of Genocide
Havana. April 4, 2007 The Camp David meeting has just ended. We all listened with interest to the press conference by the presidents of the United States and Brazil, as well as news about the meeting and opinions stated. Confronted by the demands of his Brazilian visitor regarding import tariffs and subsidies that protect and […]
A Big Step towards Left Unity in Germany
While a conference and giant celebrations in the German capital marked the fiftieth anniversary of the European Union, with heads of state from Poland to Portugal attending, another meeting was being held in the west of Germany, in the Ruhr valley city of Dortmund. Though almost totally eclipsed by the ballyhoo in Berlin, it will […]
Keep on Pushin’
TODAY’S ANTIWAR DILEMMAS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE In March 1965, before ordering the first deployment of U.S. ground troops to Vietnam (U.S. “advisers” had been there for years) President Lyndon Johnson told Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara: “I don’t think anything is gonna be as bad as losing, and I don’t see any way of winning.” […]
What’s Next? Interview with Ron Jacobs
Ron Jacobs is the author of the first comprehensive history of the Weather Underground: The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. His articles, essays and reviews have appeared in CounterPunch, Monthly Review, MRZine, Alternative Press Review, Jungle World, Works in Progress, State of Nature, and a multitude of other places. Ron […]
Peter Pace Porks a Peck of Pinko Perverts
Dear Peter Pace, As a lesbian, I often turn, in my quest for moral guidance, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. You, Peter Pace, being Chairman of the JCS, are to me a virtual guru of ethical enlightenment! So, naturally, I was struck by your recent Chicago Tribune interview, in which you said, “I believe […]
China Blue: The Girls at the Other End of the Supply Chain
Good documentary films help us understand the world by allowing us to see things outside of, but relevant to, our immediate experience. Occasionally, we discover one that expands and alters our worldview. China Blue, a film directed by Micha X. Peled, is one of those rare finds. In this film, the viewer meets the girls […]