Iran’s Green Movement: “We Are Countless!”

ما بیشماریم!
Ma Bishomarim
“We Are Countless!”
Destabilization Programs: 13 Aban (4 November, Anniversary of the US Embassy Occupation), 16 Azar (7 December, Student Day), 6 Dey (27 December, Ashura)?!
Minus H

نمودار هواداران موج سبز به مرور زمان
Chart: Green Wave Supporters Over Time
Chart: Green Wave Supporters Over Time
From Election Day, 25 Khordad (15 June) Rally, Quds Day (18 September), 13 Aban 88 (4 November 09), to 16 Azar 88 (7 December 09)

FYI, this is the way that supporters of the Islamic Republic of Iran see the Green Wave — one of whose slogans is “Ma Bishomarim” (We Are Countless) — a viewpoint excluded from the Western corporate media.  The cartoon at the top was published by Raja News among other Web sites.  The one at the bottom was made by  If you like the oficialistas in Iran, enjoy the cartoons.  If you hate them, “know your enemy.”  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]

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