Teach-in on Political Prisoners

Tuesday, April 6 at 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Riverside Church, Room 9T
490 Riverside Drive (between 120th Street and 122nd Street)
entrance at Claremont Ave. & 121st Street

The James Earl Chaney Foundation, the Social Justice Ministry of the Riverside Church, and the National Coalition for Prisoners of Political Conscience, invite you to a teach-in on prisoners of conscience, political prisoners, and repression.  The discussion will also address prison reform and the reduction of the prison population and economic prisoners or prisoners of poverty.

Panel: Ben Chaney; former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Amnesty International Germany’s Claus Wallisch; The Rev. Dr. Luonne Rouse; former political prisoners Jamal Joseph (unconfirmed), Susan Rosenberg, and Laura Whitehorn; and two children of political prisoners Wonda Jones and Russell Shoatz.

We hope to address

  1. just what a prisoner of conscience, a political prisoner, and an economic prisoner are in the United States;
  2. the impact of US citizens being held as prisoners of conscience, political prisoners, or economic prisoners
  3. the history of prisoners of conscience, political prisoners, and economic prisoners in the US
  4. how to achieve freedom for prisoners of conscience, political prisoners, and economic prisoner
  5. the need for the creation of a national discussion around the issue of prisoners of conscience, political prisoners, and economic prisoners
  6. prison reform and the reduction of the prison population

Free — all welcome.  A short reception will conclude the program.

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