Rally to End Two-Tier Wages: Auto Workers Protest UAW

“Two hundred auto workers picketed October 16 outside the locked gates of their union’s headquarters in Detroit, protesting an agreement to let General Motors pay half wages at a suburban assembly plant.  The ‘Tier 2’ workers, who make up 40 percent of employees at the plant, will make roughly $14.50.  They’ll be working alongside Tier 1 workers making the current production wage, about $28. . . .  Although the United Auto Workers constitution gives members the right to vote on contract changes, GM and the UAW apparently learned a lesson from a recent defeat at an Indianapolis stamping plant, where workers voted 457-96 not to accept half pay.  At an October 3 union meeting at Lake Orion UAW Local 5960, shop chair Mike Dunn told members they wouldn’t be allowed to vote on the pay cuts. . . .  The UAW contract contains a complex and growing number of wage tiers and language governing transfers to other plants.  The company now employs Tier 1 and Tier 2 workers, flex workers who work two to three days per week, temporaries, and those ‘on temporary assignment.'” — Jane Slaughter

For more information, visit <soldiersofsolidarity.com>; <factoryrat.com>; and <autoworkercaravan.org>.

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