Syrians Living Abroad, Standing Up for Syria and Bashar

Bashar al-Assad is a lucky man.  Even the mother of the Angry Arab (himself no fan of the Syrian president) seems to like him: “As my mom says about him: he is the best educated among Arab leaders (many of whom are illiterate) and it shows.” — Ed.

Beirut, Lebanon, 27.03.11

Cairo, Egypt, 31.03.11

Bucharest, Romania, 30.03.11

Montreal, Canada, 30.03.11

Santiago, Chile, 01.04.11

Caracas, Venezuela, 01.04.11

Cf. Bassam Haddad, “The Meaning of ‘Syrian Opposition Figures Urge Peaceful Change’ Story from Reuters” (Jadaliyya, 28 March 2011); Steven Heydemann, Fred Lawson, David Lesch, and Patrick Seale, “Roundtable on Syria Today (Part 1)” (Jadaliyya, 31 March 2011); Steven Heydemann, Fred Lawson, David Lesch, and Patrick Seale, “Roundtable on Syria Today (Part 2): On Portrayal” (Jadaliyya, 31 March 2011).


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