

Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  Cf. “Saudi Women: ‘I Will Drive Myself Starting June 17′” (Jadaliyya, 12 May 2011); “Saudi Women Respond to Exclusion from Voting: Baladi Campaign” (Jadaliyya, 16 May 2011); “The Saudi Women Revolution Statement” (Mona Kareem, 18 May 2011); “Manal al-Sharif: Saudi Woman Drives the Streets of al-Khobar (Video)” (Jadaliyya, 25 May 2011); “Letter from Saudi Citizens Calling on King to Free Manal al-Sharif” (Jadaliyya, 25 May 2011); كلنا منال الشريف دعوه للتضامن مع حقوق المرأه السعوديه; <www.facebook.com/pages/Honk-for-Saudi-Women/172970416095495>.

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